
It's unsettling Craig that you'd be so threatened by the sparse handful of Pandora 2 threads, that you'd show this kind of disdain for the people who contributed ideas within them for the benefit of your company's next project, by repressing them through exile to a designated spam folder away from the general public discussion.

Not something to celebrate when someone censors your right to express yourself like everyone else.

Repression? Exile? Censorship?! It's a new subforum, indexed on the front page like the rest. Talk about dramatic, jeez.

The request(s) for this came from the community, and it was discussed by forum mods before any changes were made. The name is supposed to be light hearted as Mr_Loon said. It also makes the point that this is a place for free, hypothetical discussion, and is not a shift of focus for OPT who are still dedicated to the Pandora 1.

The only thing that bothers me is the lower case 's'.

(...and, to a lesser extent, the fact that Craig likes to stir people up and leave the job of explaining things to some other poor bastard :P )
Actually, I couldn't be happier to have a separate forum for the Pandora 2 discussions, particularly for my own thread. As for Craig, I know this goes against what many of the forum members think and say, but I believe him to be a sound and shrewd(albeit eccentric at times) businessman that without him the Pandora would never have had picked up the steam to make it to a real consumer product. It would of ended up being a dream mumbled about on gp32x(which I was a member and lurker long ago since the beginning) cluttered with inane ideas and features that only the biggest companies could of sourced parts for for the buyer with pockets deep enough to buy it.

As for being dramatic, I forgot to add the :P to the end of my conclusion above so put the vegemite down, please for the love of Zeus, sorry. :P
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