Website Coding On The Pandora


Still Fresh
Jun 3, 2006
Hobart, Australia
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This post is part trouble-shooting and part information request.

I want to do HTML, JS and CSS coding on my Pandora and had been doing so using the excellent Bluefish. However the program unexpectedly stopped working. The program flashes up and then disappears. I checked the .out debug file and it seemed to be a permissions issue (I don't have the file available atm), so I ran the PND as root and that worked... once. Now I can't ge it to run, even after deleting appdata. It seems to need access to /pnd and /utmp on the NAND, is this normal?

If anyone has been experiencing similar issues or knows a solution I'd be interested to know.

So I tried jEdit (after installing java) and the bootup screen freezes at the 'Init Macros' point (I waited 5 minutes). Any ideas about that one?

Are there any other serious options available? I don't want to be using mousepad for my 5000 lines of code. The main benefit over a plain text editor that I'm looking for is the markup highlighting, something like notepad++ would be ideal.

Thanks in advance.
do you have any sd cards on hand that you can test hf6a4 with? there are tutorials on how to install on an SD card and what image should be used to do that with. I wouldn't know, to be totally honest, what the problem could be... and I hope others beside myself reply to you so we can collectively hash out your issue. I will suggest whatever seems viable from my experience...

also, I think medit has syntax highlighting, but I don't recall if anyone has packaged that up for Pandora as of yet...
gedit has texthighlighting for a lot of languages , too.

I ported Bluefish, but I don't know what the issue is about. Never had this. Could you post the output of /tmp/pndrun_bluefish_out ?
With pleasure, thanks for helping.

sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -m -p /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/desktop//bluefish.pnd -e scripts/ -b bluefish
not mounted on loop yet, doing so
Filetype is Squashfs
Mounting PND (mount -t squashfs) :
/dev/loop0 on /mnt/pnd/bluefish type squashfs (ro)
Filesystem is vfat
Mounting the Union FS using /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/bluefish as Write directory:
mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs=/media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/appdata/bluefish=rw+nolwh:/mnt/pnd/bluefish=rr none /mnt/utmp/bluefish
none on /mnt/utmp/bluefish type aufs (rw,si=61fdac77,noplink)
none on /mnt/utmp/bluefish type aufs (rw,si=61fdac77,noplink)
[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]
error reading list 1 Error opening file: No such file or directory

** (bluefish:1280): WARNING **: no configfile rcfile-2.0, try to convert config files from older versions

config file migration error 1:Error opening file: No such file or directoryerror reading list 1 Error opening file: No such file or directory

(bluefish:1280): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_window_remove_accel_group: assertion `GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed
/usr/pandora/scripts/ line 24:  1280 Segmentation fault      "./$EXENAME" $ARGUMENTS
[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]
cleanup done

I wasn't able to interpret anything obvious from this. I hope I haven't done anything stupid.
Hmmm. segfault...
Have to try to reproduce this when I have my Pandora back.
Thanks for reporting!
mcobit said:
Hmmm. segfault...
Have to try to reproduce this when I have my Pandora back.
Thanks for reporting!

No worries, glad that it was non-trivial.

Let me know if I can answer any questions to help.

Order of operations was:
- Downloaded Bluefish to SD card early this year into 'menu' directory. Ran from menu, worked fine.
- Tried running again many months later and app opened/closed quickly. Checked the .out and spotted compaints about permissions for /mnt/pnd/ and /mnt/utmp/.
- Used 'sudo thunar' to change permissions to read/write for those two directories and at the same time downloaded latest Bluefish from repo to the desktop directory of the SD card in the other slot.
- Ran 'sudo pnd_run bluefish.pnd'. Application worked fine.
- Powered off and back on, tried to run application again with root as above. App ended with new error as given in previous post.

Hope that gives you a clue. Is porting still fun when you have to provide this sort of support afterwards? :P
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Did all pnds stop working, or just a few?

I'd reflash if I were you .. having to mess with permissions means likely you did before, or something did, and screwed things up. A reflash is pretty easy, no risk, and doesn't hurt much (all your apps are in pnd on SD, so you don't lose data there.) (you do lose anythign in nand, and custom setup you've done, and password keychain, that sort of thing.)

This really should be a support question .. fix up your pandora, and then a separate issue, doing efficient development :)

Thanks for the advice jeff, Bluefish is the only PND that stopped working. This was definitely this first time I'd messed with permissions as I had to learn how to do it first. ;) I'm very careful, for example I don't install the hotfixes until they're 'official'.

Regardless, perhaps it is time to learn how to reflash as well, as you say it's fairly painless.
TimmyB said:
Thanks for the advice jeff, Bluefish is the only PND that stopped working. This was definitely this first time I'd messed with permissions as I had to learn how to do it first. ;) I'm very careful, for example I don't install the hotfixes until they're 'official'.

Regardless, perhaps it is time to learn how to reflash as well, as you say it's fairly painless.

Yes, it is painless:
See the section Complete firmware image in the link for instructions.
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Have you fsck'd the card? Could be a single corrupt file getting in the way.