[SOLVED] Trouble Running The Hotfix


Oct 29, 2009
I've put the second hotfix .pnd on my SD card in /pandora/desktop/. when I try to run it from the desktop nothing happens. I've tried the execute command from right clicking and have re-downloaded several times. Does the battery have to be at a certain percentage or something? Also, I looked at the properties of the hotfix .pnd and it says it's a 361 byte desktop configuration file that opens with mousepad. while I'm in the folder view it says it's 14 mb though. Don't know if thats normal.


I also just tried to install the community codec pack. It just does the same thing as the hotfix.
Yeah, that's the one I followed. It shows up on the desktop and everything but nothing happens when I try to run it.
Azuma said:
Yeah, that's the one I followed. It shows up on the desktop and everything but nothing happens when I try to run it.

You don't still have the old hotfix on your card, do you? I heard that that can mess with hotfix 2 by being on the card. (I think they are named the same thing in the PXML)

-God Ginrai
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Nope, I actually just got my pandora today so this is the first hotfix I've ran/tried to run.
Azuma said:
Nope, I actually just got my pandora today so this is the first hotfix I've ran/tried to run.

Well, one thing I can tell you is that the reason it says it is a configuration file when you check the properties is that the icon that appears on your actual desktop is a .desktop file that runs the PND. (similar to a shortcut on Windows)

-God Ginrai
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One thing you should try is formatting the SD card with the tool linked to in the Tweaks Thread. After that redownload the fix and try again.
Just got finished trying it and it didn't work. Anyone have any other ideas? Would it be possible to just send it back and let the devs look at it? The general purpose of my pandora was supposed to center around media capabilities such as video and music playback so it's pretty much useless right now... Or should I just reflash the pandora? That's pretty much a guaranteed fix right?
A few thoughts;

1: What happens if you hop into /pandora/appdata and delete the directory relevant to the hotfix there? (Alternatively, if you don't have an appdata directory there, what happens if you create it and then run the hotfix?)

2: Do you have a different card that you can try? I accidentally caused the Community Codec Pack to fail to run on my first Pandora (I had the CPU speed set to something it couldn't handle, and the system locked up halfway through), and found that deleting the PND and appdata entries for it from my first card, and then re-downloading it and trying to run it again from a different card worked just fine. I don't know why, mind you. :P

3: Does it work if you delete the appdata entry and put it in /pandora/menu or /pandora/apps instead?

EDIT: You could reflash, yes. Did you have any issues when you set it up originally, such as the Minimenu bug (the one that's since been fixed)? That might explain the problem.
Ugh, so I left all the files on the SD card and reflashed (I tried all your tips above first btw). Went through the entire first boot process again, clicked on the hotfix and it STILL won't work. It's doing the exact same thing as before. I also tried re-downloading for the 800th time and it still isn't working. This makes me want to believe it's me doing something wrong but I see the file on the pandora's desktop. It's proof I installed it correctly, right? so I couldn't really have done anything wrong, Right? I did notice a few times I would take the SD card out and the hotfix and codec pack would stay there on the desktop. I looked in azuma/desktop/ (on the nand or whatever it is) and there were some files related to the hotfix and codec pack although the fact that I reflashed means they weren't the problem. Is there anything else I can try?

Edit: Also, I don't see any files being added to appdata since I deleted the updater files in there from earlier. (BTW when I went in to try and delete the hotfix and codec appdata the only things I saw that seemed remotely relavent to the hotfix stuff were two folders that were called update or updater, so I deleted those although I'm not 100% sure those were what I was supposed to delete)
Azuma said:
Ugh, so I left all the files on the SD card and reflashed (I tried all your tips above first btw). Went through the entire first boot process again, clicked on the hotfix and it STILL won't work. It's doing the exact same thing as before. I also tried re-downloading for the 800th time and it still isn't working. This makes me want to believe it's me doing something wrong but I see the file on the pandora's desktop. It's proof I installed it correctly, right? so I couldn't really have done anything wrong, Right? I did notice a few times I would take the SD card out and the hotfix and codec pack would stay there on the desktop. I looked in azuma/desktop/ (on the nand or whatever it is) and there were some files related to the hotfix and codec pack although the fact that I reflashed means they weren't the problem. Is there anything else I can try?

Edit: Also, I don't see any files being added to appdata since I deleted the updater files in there from earlier. (BTW when I went in to try and delete the hotfix and codec appdata the only things I saw that seemed remotely relavent to the hotfix stuff were two folders that were called update or updater, so I deleted those although I'm not 100% sure those were what I was supposed to delete)

Alright, could you do me a favor? Use the file manager (Thunar) to browse to the root of your SD card that has the PNDs on it. Then, right click and choose "Open Terminal Here". In the Terminal type:

ls -R pandora

Make sure to use a capital R. Then, after you execute that command, post the output here. Use code tags around the output in your post if you can.

-God Ginrai
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Like this?

Tonberry:/media/mmcblk0p1$ ls -R pandora
Desktop  Menu  Roms  appdata  apps

Chromium.pnd		PPanic.pnd		 psx4pandora10b2.pnd
CodecPack (2).pnd	PicoDrive_180_beta1.pnd  vba-1.7.2-0.pnd
FHeroes2.pnd		gpfce.pnd
HotFix2-Zaxxon (1).pnd	mupen64plus-r1.pnd



Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness      Pokemon Stadium 2.zip
Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness.zip  Resident Evil 2.zip
Cruis'n World			      Super Smash Bros..zip
Cruis'n World.zip		      Zelda - Ocarina of Time.zip
GoldenEye 007.zip		      mortalkombat4
Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards.zip     mortalkombattri
Mortal Kombat 4.zip		      smashbrothers
Mortal Kombat Trilogy.zip	      zelda64

pandora/Roms/n64/Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness:
Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness.v64  readme.html

pandora/Roms/n64/Cruis'n World:
Cruis'n World.z64  readme.html

Mortal Kombat 4 (E) [!].z64  readme.htm

Mortal Kombat Trilogy.z64  readfirst.htm

Smash Brothers.v64  readfirst.htm

Zelda 64.z64  readfirst.htm




gles2n64.conf  mupen64plus.conf  rombrowser.cache  save  screenshot

Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.0) [!].sra


I would try taking away the (1) from the filename, including the space that precedes it. Something tells me spaces will mess up some scripts. Also, did you download the file straight from the website to your Pandora? Did you also try downloading the file from a different machine, copying to the SD, then bringing it over to the Pandora?
Azuma said:
Like this?

Yes, that's exactly what I wanted. Also, I would try sverm's suggestions, they're basically what I would have suggested.

sverm said:
I would try taking away the (1) from the filename, including the space that precedes it. Something tells me spaces will mess up some scripts. Also, did you download the file straight from the website to your Pandora? Did you also try downloading the file from a different machine, copying to the SD, then bringing it over to the Pandora?

Yea, I could easily see spaces causing some sort of problem.

-God Ginrai
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That worked! Thanx a lot guys. Funny thing is I thought the same thing and tried to take the space and number out before. I bet I had the hotfix and codec pack on both SD cards and I got rid of the space in SD card A but the pnds that showed up on the desktop were from SD card B. Whatever it was it's fixed. Thanks again!
Azuma said:
That worked! Thanx a lot guys. Funny thing is I thought the same thing and tried to take the space and number out before. I bet I had the hotfix and codec pack on both SD cards and I got rid of the space in SD card A but the pnds that showed up on the desktop were from SD card B. Whatever it was it's fixed. Thanks again!

Congratulations. I'm glad to hear it worked. ^_^

-God Ginrai
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