Thanks guys for an offer. If i had only one site i would move to new server without thinking.
But is not my only site. I have also other big web project (e.g . What my current provider offers me is my free will in what i do for an acceptable fee. I have few giga of hdd only for my needs (actually only is a site with file hosting so i dont use even half of giga for now
), mysql, php, mail management, subdomain management, no bandwidth control etc. and i can run misc small projects (besides and like my own company webpage (under construction, but my clients (i create webpages and other internet related stuff
buy their hosting services ) two another big projects
(i hope they will be big
related to gaming and alternative entertainment which i hope will share popularity of gp32x
. So as you can see i cant move gp32x without moving all that mentioned stuff
but once again thanks for your offer.