Volunteers for appstore updating.

yes thats true but are they going to want to spend time sifting through the github of a project to see which bits I contributed?

If they are really interested in your work - aka if you're able to present it to them properly, they will. If they have experience with source control they can check it out themselves, or ask a colleague developer (which understanding of version control) to sniff through git.

In any case, should you throw it open source now/soon, I advise you to keep contributing like the above people said, to show activity and dedication in the project.

Of course, it's your own decision if you want to hold it closed until you think it's finished or not. I personally can understand your situation and won't hold a grudge or anything silly like that, should you decide to keep it to yourself until it's done. Although for the project, I think it would be better if it were open source soon. :)
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ok so imgoing to stick with my original plan of - releasing to gitHub once I have a functioning website (i have yet to implament version control and pnd "ownership" and will also have moderator access levels that I need to implament.) imhoping for end of march, and of course I will keep working on this untill its super amazinf with loads of bells and whistles that arnt needed but are nice (i.e. shopping bascket of apps you want to download later, more jquery stuff)
milkshake, I'd say do as you please. It's your project, and so you get to make the final call. I'd support your decision to see it through to a satisfactory level of completion, especially if you're using it to build your portfolio.

I can see you concerns about a potential employer having to sort through a git to find your work, but then again, if the hiring manager is competent they probably already can navigate said git. I don't think you'll be in a bad way with whatever you decide upon.

Is your site still in a private state, or can we end users look at it yet?
still in private beta stage

The link was posted publicly, in more than one place.

I got it from somewhere in the German forums.

Edit: Now the link in the German forums was removed by its poster.

Edit2: It looks promising, btw. :-)

Edit3: Tried to sign up, but it claimed the captcha was wrong all the time.
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lol nice one T4b must be a bot :P

I tested it after I read this and it worked fine for me

why dont u disable javascript and try the non jquery version?
I support your decision, but I urge you to get it out there sooner than the end of March! :)
lol nice one T4b must be a bot :P

I tested it after I read this and it worked fine for me

why dont u disable javascript and try the non jquery version?
I've got javascript disabled by default, after 5 tries to sign up I enabled it because I thought it might not work without js, but with js it doesn't work either.


Edit: Now also tried with chromium, doesn't work either.
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just to let you know its case in-sensative meaning u dont have to use captital letters, try it again without captials.
Sure this is spelled with an a and not an i?

I tried to sign up with a virtual windows xp (but still using firefox, not IE) and it worked. :blink: