Volunteer Writers Wanted To Cover Gp2x And Pandora


Staff member
Jan 6, 2009
Sheffield, UK
Ahoy Folks!

I've added a GP2X/Pandora channel at Gadgetoid: http://www.gadgetoid.com/channels/pandoragp2x/

I have incorporated some conditional code to remove (most, I'm not finished yet) advertising from articles referring to the GP2X/Pandora and want to run this section as a community effort under the umbrella of my main site whilst avoiding issues of me making (albeit very small amounts) money from articles written by volunteers.

Ultimately I want a couple of well versed volunteer writers, which pretty much means you'll have to be UK based, although I'm not going to entirely discount the idea of coverage in other languages.

You will be producing editorial covering all manner of GP2X Wiz/Pandora applications/games/hardware.

I'm aiming to re-create what I had with GP2X.Gadgetoid.com, only under a larger umbrella where articles are likely to have a large amount of crossover readership from other sections of the site. This will work both ways, of course.

If you're interested, drop me a PM. I'm not adversed to constructive criticism/discussion below, either!
Hey, I'm UK based, a first batch preorderer, and up for writing a community blog about Pandora hardware, software etc written by volunteers from said community.

Actually, I already do - openpandora.wordpress.com

Hey mazza, when don't we earn very small amounts of money?

Seriously, good luck with your blog.
Nice. I'm going to have to add you to the Community Links section!

Gadgetoid itself is pretty well established, I don't think it will ever become my day job, though... I wish I was kidding when I say that the ad revenue averages out to about 15 cents a day. That said I've never really bothered monetizing it, and hate advertising. Making money from journalism is a pipe dream, but it feeds the everlasting geek hunger.

The Pandora/GP2X Wiz endeavor could be tricky, though, I'll only personally be able to cover one or the other, most likely the Pandora, with any regularity.

If you're up for posting at Gadgetoid too I will get you set up!