

Jan 25, 2004
Sussex, England
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has anyone used VNS to make eny stories or adventure games, I am tempted to make an adventure game, would n e 1 b interested

I just feel a bit bad that we've go this excellent tool at our disposal and no-one seems to be using it
I'd be interested!!

Why not rewrite the story of a good game like Grim Fandango. The novel would be an excellent base for a good interactive story...

(just search for lucasarts fiction on google and there will be a link to a fanfics site)
I am going to have to go ahead and agree with mattmagoo, Vns is a fricken awsome utility for us non developer type to exercise our imaginations and ideas for games. I think that I am going to start a port of Hideo Kojima's Snatcher. If anyone knows where i can get all the screen shots that'd be great.
i think u will struggle ith getting the screens

As for me I think that a Battle Royale VNS could work quite nicely, as soon as I finish my Gigas game (I get bored of things, not their fault, i just get bored quickly)
i made a dbz remake, its stopped because making stories is a soo boring... and i got so many other things to do :(
will probably never be released if someone is interested in continueing it write me an e-mail.
I have to apologize for the fact that I showed so much interest in making VNS games and have yet to actually start one.

I've been so wrapped up in trying to start some summer classes and several comic projects that I just havent had the time to delv into it. I still plan to but I fear unless others are working on games for it, there may be no interest by the time I finish.

I do hope you get to work on yours though, it really is a useful tool for creating interactive content for the GP32 and I'd hate to see it under used rather than over used.
I've made one, noone really was interested, I scrapped it ;)

Anyway, I would be interested. I like this kind of game.
has anyone used VNS to make eny stories or adventure games, I am tempted to make an adventure game, would n e 1 b interested

I'v used it to make 2 stories and im about 80% done :)

but the reason im taking so long is i have a huge amount of scenes

My story will keep you playing for atleast 1 hour :)

and when thats done (very close just need time to do the 20% left) i have a ZOT game i have ready.

I do have 1 VNS game that hasn't really seen the light of day

I was remaking the orignal date sim on interactive map music sounds getting lucky ;) all that is involved in a dating sim.

Id be willing to get the code done if you guys make the images and text for when you date the girl. I have the variable system setup for strength love etc somewere just need to find it.

be good cause i can finally work on the game in my short time with your help while i release my novels :)

thats if you guys are interested?

Over summer I'm going to have a look at that VNS and see if I can figure it out and hopefully get a remake of Suikogaiden done.

So how does this thing work? Is it some sort of engine for use in C coding?
I am definitely interested in seeing everyone's stuff. I would have started my projects were it not for a nerve problem that slows me down considerably at the moment :(
is VNS easy to make games or novels with? I never really got into it, but if it doesn't take much talent, i might be interested in starting something.
is VNS easy to make games or novels with? I never really got into it, but if it doesn't take much talent, i might be interested in starting something

Very easy if you can code basic html u can do VNS :)

here's a sample:

textwrap=This is a text

simple no?

[001] <--- This means its scene 1 so you would make the next scene [002]
bgm <--- it means background music u just select what mod file u want
sprite1 <--- this is sprite 1 up to 4 sprites on the screen
matt.bmp,M <--- this is the bmp file you are using the ,M means place it middle of screen ,L is left of screen ,R is right of screen
textwrap <--- This will wrap the text so it will split the words up on the second line.

You can do text1 text2 text3 etc if you want to be able to control what goes on what line.

With Hotspots its simple u just set the X and Y axsis to what u want a hotstop to be and then what scene you want it to go to.

you can also set say scene [001] to go to scene [125] when you go to the next scene.

I'm at work so i can't remember the commands that well

but there real easy :)

I'll make a few examples on here for you so you understand what each command is but look in the helpme file in the VNS zip as it explains each command real good.

You really dont need to know any programming at all its so simple :)

and there is software which will make novels for you all u do is select the background picture the sprite and the text.

VBvns is what its called search the board.

For games you will need to know the commands as VBvns is for novels only it doesn't support hotspots etc.

but trust me a 5yo could easily do this it was made for people without programming knowledge/lazy people

everyone complains they can't make a game then VNS was made but you dont use it.

Get off your butts and make a game or a novel/sim :)

I have a kick ass idea for a VNS adventure game. Hopefully I'll get it completed this summer, but considering my job and my upcoming semester abroad I wouldn't get your hopes up. It really is a great tool though, and I'm glad we have it availible.
Hey Nin, did you ever finish that hentai novel? :rolleyes:
Actually im about 80% done

i was at about 30% few weeks after the demo

I did a few 9 hours stright sessions into the wee hours of the morning :)

And i took your advice ;) Robbrown is gonna spellcheck my novel for me hehe

i could get it done this weekend in maybe 4 - 5 hours tops and after that i just need a few mod music files and im done :)

Now i just need the list of people who orignally helped beta test etc thats if they want to be mentioned at the end of the novel.

I am still working on it ;) taken so long cause it will take over an hour to read the whole novel its at somewere above 1200 scenes or so not to sure i'll get back to you guys on that.

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