120x200 and i wanted to make it smaller so i tried 100x200
That won't work VNS needs the size to be 20 so it means u can't do 110x200 cause the 110 isnt done in 20's and there is a bug i think? where 100 doesnt work cause its 2 small but i dont know.
the width and lenght can only be a value of 20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300,320
320x 240 is the max of course
If the sprite looks best at 100x200 then set the image size to 120x200 and have that extra 20 just the colour of your transparency
In Photoshop i copy the sprite make the image size 120x200 then i paste the sprite back in this way the sprite is at 100x200 when u paste it back instead of 120x200
Using sprites will make it easier for you and alot smaler size for everyone else cause right now u have every character as a 320 x 240 pic and when u want the character in different background u will have another 320x240 but if u wanted the same background with a diff face like goku as a SS then u would just set the sprite to gokuSS.bmp,m
Also good background can be found in all the DBZ snes games as u can just disable the sprite layer in zsnes and then u can take a good pic of the background
if u need anyhelp me or virtualeech will be here
