is VNS easy to make games or novels with? I never really got into it, but if it doesn't take much talent, i might be interested in starting something
Very easy if you can code basic html u can do VNS
here's a sample:
textwrap=This is a text
simple no?
[001] <--- This means its scene 1 so you would make the next scene [002]
bgm <--- it means background music u just select what mod file u want
sprite1 <--- this is sprite 1 up to 4 sprites on the screen
matt.bmp,M <--- this is the bmp file you are using the ,M means place it middle of screen ,L is left of screen ,R is right of screen
textwrap <--- This will wrap the text so it will split the words up on the second line.
You can do text1 text2 text3 etc if you want to be able to control what goes on what line.
With Hotspots its simple u just set the X and Y axsis to what u want a hotstop to be and then what scene you want it to go to.
you can also set say scene [001] to go to scene [125] when you go to the next scene.
I'm at work so i can't remember the commands that well
but there real easy
I'll make a few examples on here for you so you understand what each command is but look in the helpme file in the VNS zip as it explains each command real good.
You really dont need to know any programming at all its so simple
and there is software which will make novels for you all u do is select the background picture the sprite and the text.
VBvns is what its called search the board.
For games you will need to know the commands as VBvns is for novels only it doesn't support hotspots etc.
but trust me a 5yo could easily do this it was made for people without programming knowledge/lazy people
everyone complains they can't make a game then VNS was made but you dont use it.
Get off your butts and make a game or a novel/sim
