Virus upgrade tonight!!!


Insane Swede!!!
Jun 16, 2003
Kållered outside Gotheburg, Sweden
I just read this on text-tv in Sweden. Some gang is going to spread a virus called SOBIG F tonight (Friday 22th August) and at Sunday night. If you don't want this virus you should unplug your Internet connection between 20.00 and 23.00 Swedish time (tonight and the same time Sunday night).
I'm sorry that I haven't written the time in GMT, because I'm not so good at that, maybe someone else can fill me in.
What I understood from this message was that the virus had something to do with the spread of viruses the last weeks.

If you are a Swede or you got Swedish television at home, you might want to take look at this message. You can find it on SVT Text-tv page 108.

I hope this can help and spread this message to warn your friends.

P.S. Remember it's Swedish time and date I have written in this post. Please check your local time.
Windows Platforms are no sane environment for Internet-Connections! Use Linux and forget all your virus, worm and trojanic worries! ;)

As far is I know the Sobig thing is a mailspreading virus, an attachment you have to launch on your PC in order to get infected. If you delete all messages that contain the Sobig you dont have to worry! More dangerous in the Blaster-Worm, he infects your PC without launching something. Search you Windows-Directory for a file called msblast.exe. Hopefully you won't find it! :blink:
Yeah, but the MSBlast only shuts down your computer... that's it.
Start the removal tool from Symantec, install the patch, and never worry again :)

Hehe, and I have DSL and a router with firewall... so I don't fear viruses (just don't you use Outlook as eMail client!!)
Thyphoid posted on Aug 22 2003 said:
Windows Platforms are no sane environment for Internet-Connections! Use Linux and forget all your virus, worm and trojanic worries! ;)

As far is I know the Sobig thing is a mailspreading virus, an attachment you have to launch on your PC in order to get infected. If you delete all messages that contain the Sobig you dont have to worry! More dangerous in the Blaster-Worm, he infects your PC without launching something. Search you Windows-Directory for a file called msblast.exe. Hopefully you won't find it! :blink:
Also forget most games and applications... whoo!
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NeoAP posted on Aug 22 2003 said:
I just read this on text-tv in Sweden. Some gang is going to spread a virus called SOBIG F tonight (Friday 22th August) and at Sunday night.
Sorry to be something of a spoilsport, but maybe you didn't hear that SoBig is already running rampant, and it's why you've been getting so much SPAM lately.

Seriously, it hit the net like a week ago, and is now the documented fastest spreading virus. Chances are, if you're vulnerable, you already have it. :P

So don't bother unplugging your cable-modem, it's just an e-mail virus, which means all you have to do to not get it is switch from using shitty Microsoft e-mail clients to something like Thunderbird.

If you want to see if you have it already, I'd suggest running a virus scanner. There's a web-based java one called VirusHammer if you don't have a commercial one.
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guess what I downloaded the Msblast.exe from the Microsoft website and It screwed up my computer. I hate microsoft, I had to get a better non-virus version from a marijuana chat board. Someone should seriously attack the microsoft company itself with viruses. Bad viruses. :blink:
Shane posted on Aug 22 2003 said:
guess what I downloaded the Msblast.exe from the Microsoft website and It screwed up my computer. I hate microsoft, I had to get a better non-virus version from a marijuana chat board. Someone should seriously attack the microsoft company itself with viruses. Bad viruses. :blink:
Why would you do that? I was under the impression that the file msblast.exe was the virus.
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Woohoo! Attack has begun... no info on programs, but I believe Wub had the virus and it attempted to do some stuff at 3pm on the dot...
This is what has been discovered about it! If I remember rightly.

The virus was sent to a computer in America where it first created a back door on that computer. This backdoor was exploited so that the creator could join a usenet group using a stolen credit card. The virus was spread onto Usenet and then onwards through e-mails. The virus then sends itself onward like this and then at a certain time every 2 days a week (forgotten which two, Friday and Sunday I think) it tries to connect to 20 different computers, 19 of which have been shut down by the police. The last one remains unfound and computers will continue connecting to it until September the something then no one knows what will happen, full details were on slashdot