The Gp32 Virus!

Mar 4, 2003
Just thought to let you know that i recieved an email the other day with the attachment GP32.EXE, It turned out to be a virus, heres a decription:

Names: Gp32,FeverGP,Coolnewconsole.jpg

A worm that installs itself as GP32.EXE in the Windows System directory and sets the registry so this file runs at system start. Once run, it attaches itself to outgoing E-mails, and infects everybody in your inbox.

Just thought id let you know, just in case
Tut, must be some nintendo dude :angry: that did it.

Talking about virus, I have talked to someone about a native gp32 virus that could spread thru gplink,
Flash your bios, spread again, overclock till it fryes your cpu. but the only thing that makes it unfeasibly is that theres not enough gp32's near to each other.
EDIT-Viruses are gay and stupid, and thanks for the warning, but i prolly already have a few things on my comp that shouldnt be there.
Thanks for the warning. You might have saved a lot of people. :rolleyes:
The other problem for the virus is that flashing the firmware takes too long to be unrecognized ;)
Nintendo fanboy: OH NO TEH GP32 R GETTING POPULAR! I MUST AKT QUIK! (gets script kiddie tools out)

Apprently some nintendo fanboy (FANBOY, not fan) thinks his balls have dropped and is trying to test em out.
Come on.... 'GBA' fans are far to stupid to be able to write a virus (Don't say nintendo fan SNES and N64 Rule) :P
I doubt it's a "Nintendo fanboy" or anything like that.

More likely it's a disgruntled GP32 pirate - why? Because the GP32 scene has been particularly dismissive toward pirates, they don't get the "respect" that can be found in many other game console scenes. So they look to find other ways to get attention from the crowd, even if anonymously.

I believe it's probably someone with some programming ability, but not enough to code anything GP32 users would enjoy (game, emu, app etc.) so a virus is their twisted way of saying "look at me guys!"

Hopefully he'll (I say HE because it's generally young males) stop after this and work on something USEFUL or ENJOYABLE instead. Viruses are just stupid, and there's nothing funny about damaging people's stuff.