virtual dub encoding


Still Fresh
Can someone please leave a step by step walkthrough on encoding a video for GPcinema using Virtualdub and the Xvid MPEG-4 codec? -Thanks
Open you video file in Virtual Dub 1.4.7
Go to Video, then Filters (you may need to go to video, full processing mode first)
Click Add, choose resize.
The settings should be 320 by 240, and precise bilinear.
Click OK.
Add the birghtness/contrast filter and adjustthe brightness to fit your needs.
Next go to Video, frame rate.
If your are running GPcinema at 133mhz, the FPS can not be greater than 15. So anything below 15 is fine. So if your video is 29 fps, choose decimate by 2, then it will be almost 15 frames per second. For almost all videos you will be decimating by 2.
next go to video, compression.
Choose the xvid codec, adn click configure.
Choose the bitrate, below 256. 128 is good. Also make sure it is 1 pass CBR.
Click ok and go to audio, full processing mode.
Go to Audio, conversion.
Make the sampling rate 44100 for great quality (or you can choose 22500 for a smaller file size and good quality). Choose High Quality, and then make sure the sound is Stereo.
Click OK, go to Audio compression.
Go to MPEG Layer-3 and click show all formats. Choose 32kBIT 11025 HZ 4kb or choose 24kBIT 11025HZ 3kb.
Click OK and save as AVI
yeah, it's always hard the first time, but then you get the hang of it, and its a snap!! :D
Thanks killme2 & azure, you're guides helped me out loads..... much appreciated

maybe someone could make this a sticky so people could add video related guides to this thread and they're easy to find...?

