Vice2x 1.21 + Dtv Emulation

my psp got stolen and my gp2x is broken.. (it doesn't work on batteries, only with adaptor so i can't power both gp2x and bob at the same time)

and latest vice was using rlyeh minilib 0.c (a RC that he send me and he didn't wanted me to spread it.. then i haven't heard from him again)

and thus i kinda lost my interest..

but i'm waiting for pandora :D
GnoStiC said:
my psp got stolen and my gp2x is broken.. (it doesn't work on batteries, only with adaptor so i can't power both gp2x and bob at the same time)

and latest vice was using rlyeh minilib 0.c (a RC that he send me and he didn't wanted me to spread it.. then i haven't heard from him again)

and thus i kinda lost my interest..

but i'm waiting for pandora :D
I'd LOVE vice to work with USB joystick and keyboard on the GP2X - its a real shame this feature is lacking.
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jimbob jones said:
GnoStiC said:
my psp got stolen and my gp2x is broken.. (it doesn't work on batteries, only with adaptor so i can't power both gp2x and bob at the same time)

and latest vice was using rlyeh minilib 0.c (a RC that he send me and he didn't wanted me to spread it.. then i haven't heard from him again)

and thus i kinda lost my interest..

but i'm waiting for pandora :D
I'd LOVE vice to work with USB joystick and keyboard on the GP2X - its a real shame this feature is lacking.

If only I had the knowledge I would give it a try but unfortunately I am depending on other peepz skills.
Hopefully someone else will pick this up.
Eventough pandora is comming up, there will be still enough gp2x'es around that makes it worth the effort.
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Ahh Ok.

Personally I too would love to see someone take up this emulator project again. It still has the small problem of delay with the sound.

Get rid of that add some better joystick support (both ports for multiplayer games) and keyboard support, fix the problem when overclocking (Locks up if you change it too quickly) and this could be perfect.
GnoStiC said:
my gp2x is broken.. <snip> but i'm waiting for pandora :D
What is that with developers, looks like every developers kills at least one GP2X. Do you throw it against a wall when the bug hunt is a bit too intense?

Well good to see we will probably have Vice on the Pandora :)
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GnoStiC said:
i plan to release a new vice as soon as vice 1.23 is out.. (current snapshot is 1.22.8)
it has serious ntsc fixes..
what you mean for the GP2x?
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GnoStiC said:
i plan to release a new vice as soon as vice 1.23 is out.. (current snapshot is 1.22.8)
it has serious ntsc fixes..
This is GREAT news GnoStiC. Can't wait to see it, sounds like the sound bug on the 64 emulation may finally be solved! I wonder if the Vic20 emulation on VICE will also have improvements - It's sound emulation still has a way to go.

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Just wonderin gnostic if there has been any further development on an update for this emulator. I know quite a few people recently been craving usb pad support using the cradle, i know i have. Anyway i was just wondering if this is still on the agenda for you.
thats excellant news i have an f200 cant wait to leave this in its cradle to be my new commodore. woo hoo thanks alot.
GnoStiC said:
i'll release the new vice2x
May I make a small request. Could you change the way it saves state. The current way you have to save a new file every time and cant over write or delete the save files through the emulator. So playing one game could give me many saves.

I much prefer the way its done on Picodrive where you push a button and it saves and push another button and it reloads or even Squidesnes method where its the same but done in the menu.

Apart from the sound lag issue this is the only thing that annoys me about vice
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Waiting for 1.23 takes really long.
Maybe you can provide us a release candidate for us to play with.

For me the biggest issue is the usb-joystick support.
btw, maybe slightly off-topic, but someone may find it usefull.


that's the c64 scene database. lots of c64/DTV demos there, and maybe there are some sceners who have suggestions ( or want to help ) with the emulation. :_)