Vertical Shooters On The Wiz


Oh neat, it's a ... field.
Jul 23, 2006
helsinki, finland
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Hi all,

I was wondering, how does the wiz work with vertical shooters like batsugun or dodonpachi? They run quite nicely on the gp2x, but the wiz only has one extra button there. Is it even mappable via software? I was under the impression that it's meant for returning to the menu. And then there's the left shoulderbutton. Do these two buttons work well enough to play this type of game on it?
klikklak said:
Hi all,

I was wondering, how does the wiz work with vertical shooters like batsugun or dodonpachi? They run quite nicely on the gp2x, but the wiz only has one extra button there. Is it even mappable via software? I was under the impression that it's meant for returning to the menu. And then there's the left shoulderbutton. Do these two buttons work well enough to play this type of game on it?
The Menu button you're referring to is mappable via software the same as it is with the GP2X. The shoulder buttons appear fine so far :)
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WarmFluffyUK said:
You're welcome, which makes me think I should write one myself, I used to love Hybris and Battle Squadron on the Amiga :)

Yeah sure, they used to be amongst my faves too! Anyone has more vertical shooters on whatever system that can be emulated nicely on the GP2X and/or Wiz?
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I loved Hybris and Battle Squadron too on my old miggy 500, which I still have in a box but my power supply is screwed.

Been playing around with Strikers 1945 on PSX on my PSP - of course, we don't know if PSX will make it to playable speed on the Wiz, but I suspect it will have a reasonable chance.

On an off but related topic, I found a PSX, game on my PSP which I struggled due to the lack of 4 shoulder buttons - Abe's Odyssey (what a great game!), so even Pandora will struggle a bit in terms of usability with a number of games. That said, returning to topic, you'd be unlikely to find many shooters which use an elaborate combination of buttons :-)

centrlink said: old miggy 500, which I still have in a box but my power supply is screwed.

You can rewire any PC power supply to power an Amiga. I did it when I still had mine. The easiest is to take an AT power supply, since it has an on/off switch, but you could also use an ATX supply. Soldering is best, but if you can't solder, you can even do without it!
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jbrodack said:
from looking at pics it appears that there are volume buttons on the bottom that would work for playing vertically oriented shooters. I love shmups so this is important to me too
Oh good I didn't notice those. There are a few shooters that require a third button for shields. I don't know but maybe vol+- and left shoulder would be most ergonomic for those. I don't think it would be usable to use vol buttons and the menu as your right hand would have to wrap the case uncomfortably.

Shmups is my favourite genre as well :)
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Squirrel61 said:
centrlink said: old miggy 500, which I still have in a box but my power supply is screwed.

You can rewire any PC power supply to power an Amiga. I did it when I still had mine. The easiest is to take an AT power supply, since it has an on/off switch, but you could also use an ATX supply. Soldering is best, but if you can't solder, you can even do without it!

I think someone actually makes an adapter from ATX PSU to A500 power socket! These are great for people who have an aversion to soldering irons :D
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klikklak said:
Hi all,

I was wondering, how does the wiz work with vertical shooters like batsugun or dodonpachi? They run quite nicely on the gp2x, but the wiz only has one extra button there. Is it even mappable via software? I was under the impression that it's meant for returning to the menu. And then there's the left shoulderbutton. Do these two buttons work well enough to play this type of game on it?
The Gp2x can play Dodonpachi? Which emulator does everyone use for this?
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yeah i think the wiz will be able to support vertical shooters based off the information ive seen.