Games With Vertical Screen And Pandora: Pacman, 1942...

squeakypants said:
Really I don't even use bombs. The only situation I would use them for is if I'm about to die (trapped), but I don't remember to bomb until after I'm dead.
Your message out of context sounds very funny... :P
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I know this isn't much of a solution, but couldn't you use the TV-Out and stick your TV on it's side if you really wanted to play vertically but found holding the Pandora sideways to be too awkward? I know this isn't really a nice solution for many, but if your determined you could get it working. If I remember correctly, Ikaruga (on the Gamecube at least) had the option to turn TV's on their side, so it's not like the idea's new. Besides, then you could hook it up to a projector for massive Arcade gaming :P.