Valve Games console "Steambox"

Well, there goes PC gaming... At least it was a nice run... I could be true as gabe's interview on PA. On the other hand, Valve might be much more better then how sonry and macroshaft handles its customers and developers.
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The way I understood it, they were doing Steam-compatible configurations. The way I take that is that multiple manufacturers could potentially make Steam-powered "consoles", which would make more sense than Valve making a game system, imo. The console market is rough, and I think Gabe knows that. A configurable controller would be neat tho.

The original. The best.

Edit: spoilered :)
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^ Psst, spoilers may be good there.

On topic: Would not buy, I will use my PC for my steam needs. I'm not sure why anyone would buy this if they could get a somewhat decent gaming PC at the same price (depending on the price that is).
Steam box? Hell yeah! Sign me up! :lol: (but can I get one without the beefcake?)


I don't know if it would be something so specific. I would think it'd be more like a set of minimum specifications, and the manufacturer can label their pre-configured systems as "Steam-certified" or something like that. Think "Alienware XZ160X9 Laptop, Steam-certified," or "Razer PitBull Desktop PC, Steam-certified." Seems to me like a good idea, actually, since it would mean most non-techie people could just look for that certification if they wanted something that could run the latest games well enough. Then I wouldn't have to help my friends and family look for new computer specs everytime they want to upgrade to something more powerful lol. "New computer, eh? Just look for a configuration that says 'Steam-certified' and you're good to go." :P
A set of specifications for a PC-in-a-box? That reminds me of something...

Ah! The Infinium Labs Phantom!
Some wag has apparently named the rumoured Valve 'console' the Gabecube, which is nice.

I can certainly understand the logic of having a standard configuration so that it is easy to see if a game is 'fit for purpose' before it is released on Steam. After witnessing the debacle which was the launch of Arkham City & Rage & misc others where huge swathes of users vented their quite reasonable frustrations on the Steam forums, it seems like a good solution to these problems.

Still no denial of these rumours from Valve which makes me think there may be a kernel of truth in them. Wonder if we'll see the Gabecube unveiled with HL3 as the flagship game.

EDIT : Looks like there has been some kind of official denial
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"Console"? Sounds more like a PC in disguise. And suddenly I remember "Project Phantom"... :lol:

^ Psst, spoilers may be good there.
Stay cool. Most of us are "european" enough to stand this. :rolleyes:
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