Valhalla Port

Is this the same as the Amiga games or a new story (new maps/puzzles etc)
spooky2x said:
just old game on new engine.
Thank you very much for the port, we expect more episodes soon :)

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Did you create this interpreter from the ground up!? I searched and couldn't find anything resembling another interpreter for this game.

I'd never heard of this game (never had an Amiga) but I just downloaded and converted everything and played it.. Graphics and sound are incredible. Great work, if this is all your source code it must have taken a ton of effort. If not, still, good work.

I only encountered two problems:

1.) In your script, I had to change mkcramfs to mkfs.cramfs because for whatever reason, Arch Linux had only the latter. Very small problem, easy to fix, but annoying because I had to re-extract everything after it bombed and deleted unnecessary files without creating a usable game.

2.) I have trouble saving the game. In the help screen, under "Inventory" it says R - Save game, but when I press R when in the inventory, or out of it for that matter, nothing happens and when I exit and come back it hadn't saved. Visual confirmation of the saving would be nice.

Might want to add "Quit game" command explanation (stick+R+L, I believe) to the help screen, too.

how do you run the script in windows? under idle interpreter and run module?

if so i am getting error -

"File "D:\gp2x\games\rpg\The_Crypt\The_Crypt\", line 5, in <module>
import the_crypt, os, shutil
ImportError: No module named the_crypt"

Senor Quack:
This is a little bit improved engine for my WIP game IMMORTAL.
Is written from scratch.
In next release i change converting script and in game messages for loading, saving etc.
convert script is not perfect i know.

in console
cd "path where you extracted port"
python -OO i think. i havent windows. but must be "-OO"
Darnit. I guess theres no point me downloading it.

Ive recently just completed this game on the Amiga emulator and the sequel "before the war" Im currently on the last level of "Fortress of Eve"

Would have been fun to play this port instead
spooky2x said:
Senor Quack:
This is a little bit improved engine for my WIP game IMMORTAL.
Is written from scratch.
In next release i change converting script and in game messages for loading, saving etc.
convert script is not perfect i know.

in console
cd "path where you extracted port"
python -OO i think. i havent windows. but must be "-OO"

i did not set the path to python corrctly from winxp; now working as per instructions

nice port!

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Magellan said:
So, if I don't know what python is or how to run a script, this game is probably beyond me huh?
python is easy to install on windows, and i haven't tried it yet but i'm assuming that if it's installed correctly then the script will just work.

the reason for the script is that spooky is using modified versions of graphics from another game, and rather than distribute those graphics without permission, he made a script so that you can get the other game yourself and it will take the graphics and make them fit his engine.

i'd give it a shot, at least, if you have a problem people will help you out.
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Magellan said:
So, if I don't know what python is or how to run a script, this game is probably beyond me huh?
I'm working through it as I speak: (Win XP, 2L beer)
Download python-2.5.1.msi, install
Download vc-setup-01.exe, install

I copied the ValhallaClassics to the The_Crypt folder, and adjusted the path variable in the .py script accordingly. I then opened command prompt, cd'ed to the proper folder, and executed the script as instructed in the readme. I got the following error message:

"'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

I'll edit this post after a reboot, perhaps the Python installation needs that.

EDIT: A reboot didn't help, I still get the same error. If anyone could step up and point the obvious, go ahead :) I assume it has something to do with setting some environment variables?
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Alex. said:
I assume it has something to do with setting some environment variables?
Yes, or you can write the entire path where is installed "python.exe".
For example:
C:\The_Crypt (i.e. the proper folder with the port) > "C:\Python25\python.exe -OO"

However, you must also have:
- PIL, Python Imaging Library (
- oggenc ( )

(I haven't found mkcramfs for Win)
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You not need cramfs file.
Its created for smallest size,fastest loading and reduces usage of SD cards.
Archive contains >400 files this is reason why i use cramfs.

if you get error [ i dunno why ] just comment line in convert script and you get
unpacked directory with single files in it