Did you create this interpreter from the ground up!? I searched and couldn't find anything resembling another interpreter for this game.
I'd never heard of this game (never had an Amiga) but I just downloaded and converted everything and played it.. Graphics and sound are incredible. Great work, if this is all your source code it must have taken a ton of effort. If not, still, good work.
I only encountered two problems:
1.) In your script, I had to change mkcramfs to mkfs.cramfs because for whatever reason, Arch Linux had only the latter. Very small problem, easy to fix, but annoying because I had to re-extract everything after it bombed and deleted unnecessary files without creating a usable game.
2.) I have trouble saving the game. In the help screen, under "Inventory" it says R - Save game, but when I press R when in the inventory, or out of it for that matter, nothing happens and when I exit and come back it hadn't saved. Visual confirmation of the saving would be nice.
Might want to add "Quit game" command explanation (stick+R+L, I believe) to the help screen, too.