Using the Pandora to rescue a duff SD card.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
Bury St. Edmunds, UK
My son has a Sandisk Ultra 32Gb micro sd card.

If I put it in an fullsized adaptor and into my usb card-reader on my main PC - Nothing.  It does not register as device. True for win7, ubuntu 11.something and CentOS6.

The Pandora is the only system that seems to see something inserted.  It too is unhappy with the card so there is no drive.

I suspect it may be the fat32 boot block.  Seems to be sized 32Mb not 32Gb.

Ideally I'l like to install ddrescue or dd_resescue and may be testdisk on the pandora.

Anyone know if there is an arm port of these that would work?

My hope is to ddrescue the card from the pandora to an external USD disk.

then from the PC testdisk and photorec to recover the data.

If testdisk is able to fix the card and was available on the pandora then I may be able to sort the physical card out too.
had a mini sd trying to use other day and did the same put into sd fullsize adapter and was acting very crazy one min nothing there next it was then when looked liked it was going to work, let me format so 7.49/8gig so i go to move a 500mb fike and bam not enoff room error and would look and the card wouldn't be formated. anyways took it out of the fullsized sdadapter and just used my usd multi card reader and had not problems. so could just be shitty adapter
Don't know if it helps, but I have had very good experiences with these two little tools in the past. Maybe someone could port the over to the Pandora (or they even could get integrated in the os ?)
I've a couple of SD cards that I've managed to trash by using an old non-HC aware reader. Don't show up in Windows, make my Camera crash quite spectacularly, and I've not yet found a way to get them working on Linux, so I'll be watching this thread with interest.
had a mini sd trying to use other day and did the same put into sd fullsize adapter and was acting very crazy one min nothing there next it was then when looked liked it was going to work, let me format so 7.49/8gig so i go to move a 500mb fike and bam not enoff room error and would look and the card wouldn't be formated. anyways took it out of the fullsized sdadapter and just used my usd multi card reader and had not problems. so could just be shitty adapter
The card is not working in the phone directly and it is the same adapter that gives me some joy in the Pandora. I had wondered if another adapter might impove things though.

Don't know if it helps, but I have had very good experiences with these two little tools in the past. Maybe someone could port the over to the Pandora (or they even could get integrated in the os ?)
Yup! I mentioned those above.

A dd rescue and those two would be awsome in the OS. I'd flash them in if they were available but other may not want to.

If they were in a PND that opened up a terminal session with them in the path... that would be ideal.  Anyone up for the chalange?

dd_rescue didn't seem to be in the angstrom repo. Not sure if there is an arm version of testdisk and photorec.
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The Slackware route is a valid option.

Thanks to Linux-SWAT's hard work and wiki page.

All the goodies are there.

I've only played with testdisk so far and not had much joy. The SD card still thinks it's 32Mb.