USB Problems


Still Fresh
Dec 14, 2003
Just got an SMC card so now I can connect. Problem is the Pc Link Host Always tells me my GP32 isnt connected to the USB port when it is and I have put my GP32 on Pc Link Mode. Any help?
First off, did you install the USB drivers?

If I remember right, you can get them from the official GP32 site, which could be down right now.

The usual procedure I follow for using PC Link...

1-Plug GP-Link into USB Port on computer.
2-Plus other end of it into GP32.
3-Turn on GP32.
4-Go to PC-Link mode on your GP32.
5-The GP32 should say "Now waiting..."
6-Go to PC-Link host on computer.
7-Press OK when it tells you to connect to your Gp32, etc.

That should work, if it doesn't then it's probably your USB drivers.
Nope, doesnt work. I coudnt get on the site but I got the USB Xp Drivers from here and the PC link. Do you think I should have gotten it from the official site? Cause I can never get on it, only the korean site. This sucks, I finnaly get an SMC and it doesnt even work :(
I got the file from the site, its a different file, how do I use it its a .sys file, where do I put it? I also got the Authentication thing and it says the saem thing, that my usb port is closed or somthing.
There should be about three file in the file you downloaded.
One of them should end in .sys, one in .exe and one in .inf.
Right click the .inf file and select install from the menu that

No, doesnt do anything, still says my usb port is closed, how do I open it. I remember it saying whne I first plugged it in that the device would have troubles with the usb port but is that because of the USB Drivers?
Is there a not properly recognised usb-device in your hardwarelist?
With the Gamepark plugged in and turned on do this:
Click 'start' 'settings' 'control panel' 'system' 'hardware' 'device manager' and check out the usb-controllers. Not properly installed devices have an exclamation mark in a yellow cirkle in front of them.
If so, you can right-click it and choose either 'remove' or 'update driver' (maybe different word for driver, I do not have an english version myself) and point it to the Gamepark drivers.
** Please do not remove any hardware that's functioning properly. **

After that you should either have a properly installed Gamepark (if you updated the driver) or (if you chose 'remove') you could unplug the Gamepark, reboot, and follow the instructions for installing the drivers and Gamepark again.
Oh, yeah there is a exclemation mark, I clicked update Driver but it said it cound tfind the nessacary drivers. Should I dissable it? Or uninstall it?
put the driver cd from your mainboard into your cd drive and try it again (make sure that it checks the cd too)... then it should find the drivers on the cd!
try uninstalling the gp from the usb menu that uv already been to. then restart ur pc, download the drivers again, then right click on the .inf file and click install when ur gp is plugged into the usb port and turned on and in the pc link mode. Then restart ur pc and c if its working.
No that doesnt work cause when I start the GP32 back up it tries to install the drivers again but it cant find them
SWEET! I figured it out and I got it to work, Just had to direct the folder to which the drivers were cause for some reason it coudnt find them on its own. Now, whats the very first thing I should do now that I have it working?
I have another problem, I cant get the Free Lancher from the official site, when ever I log in well, it just wont log me in and ive tried making more then one account and it has accepted everyone of em. Is there another place to get the FreeLauncher
Im not a big fan of IRC, I went on it once and it gave me a nasty worm that was hard to get rid of and I did have my Firewall on :( I try to stay away from IRC as much as possible