Urgent, Please Help, If You Can.


Trooper`s watching you !!!
Apr 20, 2003
The DarkSide (London)
Visit site
Please, Could as many of you great guys help me, If at all possible.

I am designing 32 external signs for a very big company at work ( Although this is totaly unrelated to the actual job i do, Its just that i was the best man for the job where i work).
I need a graphic of a "Tap" as in sink "Tap" (I think its called a forcet in the US) a "light bulb" and a "telephone" in Wmf or Eps format at a high resolution and preferably in colour. They have to look as much like ordinary items as possible and in a similar style, but if they are a bit cartoony, Thats ok.

I have search through my massive collection of clipart, I have also search the net/google, Even emule, And can not for the life of me find any thing thats appropriate. If any one of you great people :D could post a link to any files you may think appropriate (either files of your own or via the net), It would be very much appreciated.

Just one thing, I don`t have email at the moment, So can not receive files via that route :(.

I know its asking a lot and am greatful for any help possible, As i only have until monday to complete them.:o

Sorry to also sound like ass :rolleyes: , But i am very particular about people reading a post completely before replying, And making an ass of themselves. :P

If your desperate, I could convert the raster images (jpg, gif etc) that you find into .eps. But I won't be able to do it until later this evening/tonight.

Keep looking, and if you can only find raster images, then send them to me and I'll convert them to vector.

It's easy with illustrator or flash but you really need a good clean,big picture to work with (gif's propably going to be best) like this:

(the bigger the better).