Urban Terror On Pandora?


Nov 1, 2009
Velké Přílepy, Czech Republic
i think, that could be cool to have Urban Terror on pandora. It's very similiar to Counter-Strike, but IMHO much better, cuz it's for linux & it doesn't make me dizzy (Quake III and many other FPS games makes me sick (really sick, i once threw up when i was playing Sauerbraten :( )) IOquake is open-source (at least i think), so it could be very cool to have this "Counter-Strike" or Pandoras.
Did you even TRY to search? See the link in the upper right corner that says "search"? USE IT!
You could even just look at the last couple pages of posts. This wasn't even asked a week ago, and even that was a repeat of an earlier question.
Search Results:

Not gonna happen, trust us. Don't ask why, search if you must know. Google "urban terror site:www.gp32x.de/board"
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WizardStan said:
Did you even TRY to search? See the link in the upper right corner that says "search"? USE IT!
You could even just look at the last couple pages of posts. This wasn't even asked a week ago, and even that was a repeat of an earlier question.

In forces/before's defense, part of the reason why people don't use the search function is because they just plain forget to. i know i've done it, and you've probably done it to, there's no need to blow his head up because he asked a question, besides isn't that what the forums is for? to ask questions, to speculate, and a place where noobs like forces/before can ask dumb questions.
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Shock-Socks said:
WizardStan said:
Did you even TRY to search? See the link in the upper right corner that says "search"? USE IT!
You could even just look at the last couple pages of posts. This wasn't even asked a week ago, and even that was a repeat of an earlier question.

In forces/before's defense, part of the reason why people don't use the search function is because they just plain forget to. i know i've done it, and you've probably done it to, there's no need to blow his head up because he asked a question, besides isn't that what the forums is for? to ask questions, to speculate, and a place where noobs like forces/before can ask dumb questions.

Couldn't agree with you more. People are just so on edge right now that they're ready to pounce. It's understandable what with all the delays but sometimes I think people just need to step back, count to 10, and remember we were all noobs at one point...
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Tuxedomask29 said:
Shock-Socks said:
WizardStan said:
Did you even TRY to search? See the link in the upper right corner that says "search"? USE IT!
You could even just look at the last couple pages of posts. This wasn't even asked a week ago, and even that was a repeat of an earlier question.

In forces/before's defense, part of the reason why people don't use the search function is because they just plain forget to. i know i've done it, and you've probably done it to, there's no need to blow his head up because he asked a question, besides isn't that what the forums is for? to ask questions, to speculate, and a place where noobs like forces/before can ask dumb questions.

Couldn't agree with you more. People are just so on edge right now that they're ready to pounce. It's understandable what with all the delays but sometimes I think people just need to step back, count to 10, and remember we were all noobs at one point...
Except PoisonedV, of course.
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Shock-Socks said:
In forces/before's defense, part of the reason why people don't use the search function is because they just plain forget to. i know i've done it, and you've probably done it to, there's no need to blow his head up because he asked a question, besides isn't that what the forums is for? to ask questions, to speculate, and a place where noobs like forces/before can ask dumb questions.
If the same question hadn't already been asked twice in as many weeks, then I wouldn't have been so abrasive, but the last time it was asked was only a few days ago. I even gave the benefit of the doubt then to answer the question a second time.
Once is a fluke, twice a coincidence, three times and you know someone is messing with you.
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Oh... I am sorry for adding a new topic (noobish mistake from a noobish person). I now know, that Urban Terror is not fully open sourced... And again, sorry, my fault. :P hope you understand this....
I think people are too quick to come to the conclusion that it can't run just because it's closed source. Compiled Quake 3 mods don't use .dll or .so files but rather .qvm files which are interpreted by the Quake 3 engine. One .qvm file runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac, and unless there's something I'm missing, as long as the Quake 3 engine runs on a platform, the mods should too. I know Urban Terror requires more ram than the average mod, but the Pandora should have enough.

Unfortunately I don't have a real way to test this for sure. I tried using a modchipped Xbox running a Quake 3 port and I was able to get into Urban Terror 4.1's menus but the Xbox doesn't have enough ram to load a map (I got a hunk_alloc error when I tried) and I don't know if the hardware is different enough from a PC.
Cheese said:
I think people are too quick to come to the conclusion that it can't run just because it's closed source. Compiled Quake 3 mods don't use .dll or .so files but rather .qvm files which are interpreted by the Quake 3 engine. One .qvm file runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac, and unless there's something I'm missing, as long as the Quake 3 engine runs on a platform, the mods should too. I know Urban Terror requires more ram than the average mod, but the Pandora should have enough.

Wikipedia said:
Quake 3 uses a virtual machine to control object behavior on the server, effects and prediction on the client and the user interface. This presents many advantages as mod authors do not need to worry about crashing the entire game with bad code, clients could show more advanced effects and game menus than was possible in Quake II and the user interface for mods was entirely customizable.

Virtual machine files are developed in ANSI C, using LCC to compile them to a 32-bit RISC pseudo-assembly format. A tool called q3asm then converts them to QVM files, which are multi-segmented files consisting of static data and instructions based on a reduced set of the input opcodes. Unless operations which require a specific endianness are used, a QVM file will run the same on any platform supported by Quake 3.

The virtual machine also contained bytecode compilers for the x86 and PowerPC architectures, executing QVM instructions via an interpreter.

Wikipedia ageees
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zhasha said:
Cheese said:
I think people are too quick to come to the conclusion that it can't run just because it's closed source. Compiled Quake 3 mods don't use .dll or .so files but rather .qvm files which are interpreted by the Quake 3 engine. One .qvm file runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac, and unless there's something I'm missing, as long as the Quake 3 engine runs on a platform, the mods should too. I know Urban Terror requires more ram than the average mod, but the Pandora should have enough.

Wikipedia said:
Quake 3 uses a virtual machine to control object behavior on the server, effects and prediction on the client and the user interface. This presents many advantages as mod authors do not need to worry about crashing the entire game with bad code, clients could show more advanced effects and game menus than was possible in Quake II and the user interface for mods was entirely customizable.

Virtual machine files are developed in ANSI C, using LCC to compile them to a 32-bit RISC pseudo-assembly format. A tool called q3asm then converts them to QVM files, which are multi-segmented files consisting of static data and instructions based on a reduced set of the input opcodes. Unless operations which require a specific endianness are used, a QVM file will run the same on any platform supported by Quake 3.

The virtual machine also contained bytecode compilers for the x86 and PowerPC architectures, executing QVM instructions via an interpreter.

Wikipedia ageees

Except there isn't virtual machine code for ARM architectures.
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