Introversion is independent precisely for the reason that they retain all rights to their games. The problem about getting Darwinia (& Multiwinia) onto the Pandora would most likely not be licensing but making it run acceptably without spending any money on development. Making it run well on the 360 was apparently a challenge. Those hundreds of souls were a problem for my PC, sometimes. So it's probably not a game that could simply be ported and run. With Uplink, we probably won't have those performance issues, so we should probably look into that, first. Also, it's rather fitting, as Introversion's next game Subversion will be a quasi-successor to Uplink.
IMO, somebody should do a professional port of Uplink to Pandora, N900 and AI Touchbook, working closely with Introversion, and with the intent to actually sell the game at a profit. An Android/iPhone/Pre version could be the next step but that might require a lot more adjusting to the low resolution displays and thus more work. I think this could work out well. While the Pandora as a market is small, adding in it's sister devices makes it quite a bit bigger.