Upgrading from Craig's shop

Sorry, not much I can do here, the best way is to send a mail to openpandorasales@gmail.com.

The payment for this unit has been done to Craig long ago, and he currently doesn't have Pandoras at the moment.

Right now, additional preorder units are being shipped using donations. While I ship these, Jacquelyne (from Craigs shop) tells me which customers are next. She might be able to put you on front of the list.

The cross-upgrade is different - it works because I get the production costs for these units, so I can at least ship them without a loss.
AFAIK, AFAIK wants to cross-upgrade to a rebirth edition with accessories incl. am I right?
Sorry, not much I can do here, the best way is to send a mail to openpandorasales@gmail.com.

The payment for this unit has been done to Craig long ago, and he currently doesn't have Pandoras at the moment.

Right now, additional preorder units are being shipped using donations. While I ship these, Jacquelyne (from Craigs shop) tells me which customers are next. She might be able to put you on front of the list.

The cross-upgrade is different - it works because I get the production costs for these units, so I can at least ship them without a loss.

Thanks for the answer, I'll try writing to openpandorasales@gmail.com
AFAIK, AFAIK wants to cross-upgrade to a rebirth edition with accessories incl. am I right?
From 2nd batch preorder with every accessory imaginable to the bare minimum rebirth edition without having to go through refunds and reorders.