Unofficial Opensnes9xgp V0.2 Mod For 200mhz


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
A little while ago, I made a mod of OpenSNES9xGP v0.2 which allowed it to overclock up to 200MHz (instead of 166MHz), but unfortunately I could not compile it without ADS. Zano of GP32 Spain fame was able to compile it for us all. You can read his thread on GP32Spain's forums here. The original thread where I asked the coding community to compile it is found here on our boards.

This is the latest version of Zano's compilation, and you may notice some compatibility issues. Hopefully it's more of a tweaking issue, and we can still consider this mod a work in progress just like OpenSNES9xGP itself :)

I mirrored the file for GP32Spain:

Once again, I thank Zano for the compilation, Anarchy for getting it attention on his site, and especially Yoyofr and his gang for making such an excellent emulator!

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Anyone given this a whirl?

I can only go to 166 on the 3 GP32's, but I'd be particularly interested in reports of performance at 180 and how it compares at 166 since GBAX is now offering 180's.
Go to the "How High can your Gp32 overclock to?" thread and look. It is obvious that just as many FLU's and Non-FLUS overclock just as much as BLUS. Hence they are nearly all as clockable. Also proves that RAM can barely make a difference in CPU speed no matter what chip you use or its amount of memory.
RAM has naught to do with overclockability of a CPU. I would however like to hear the theory behind why it should have something to do with overclocking the CPU. Drumaster, if you please?
has anyone tried it out, does this 200mhz version now really runs faster than 166mhz? someone test it please... i cant, mine only to 156 :( (wanna buy gp32 blu + 32mb ram from gbax soon :P )
Tristan posted on Jul 16 2004 at 08:38 AM said:
RAM has naught to do with overclockability of a CPU. I would however like to hear the theory behind why it should have something to do with overclocking the CPU. Drumaster, if you please?
Ram has to do with overclocking STABILITY, not CPU overclocking really.

The CPU o/c ability is the same with different RAM, but good RAM allows to be stable at higher frequency than bad one, so it allows to o/c higher, that's all. ;)

Make a search on the web, there are a LOT of sites which explains that...
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sorry, but those things had to be said, even thought the're senseless
guess we'll have to wait for hando to finally hostmask-ban drumaster :)

to your question, my gp32 works like a charm in mirko's tester, but every setting over 166mhz with sound and fs1 crashes with Secret of Mana 2, just 200mhz shows title-screen, and then reboots the rom or crashes between that :)

so i'd rather say its a dirty hack or my gp32 cant o/c to 200mhz at all (what i doubt, mirkos tester does never fail =)
try it yourself ^^
(i think its a problem with timings or so somewhere)
Drumaster posted on Jul 16 2004 at 08:48 AM said:
Tristan posted on Jul 16 2004 at 08:38 AM said:
RAM has naught to do with overclockability of a CPU. I would however like to hear the theory behind why it should have something to do with overclocking the CPU. Drumaster, if you please?
Ram has to do with overclocking STABILITY, not CPU overclocking really.

The CPU o/c ability is the same with different RAM, but good RAM allows to be stable at higher frequency than bad one, so it allows to o/c higher, that's all. ;)

Make a search on the web, there are a LOT of sites which explains that...
Then, correct me if I'm wrong, the voltage mod would do nothing? Right? If I plant a new pair of resistors in my GP32, it will run smoothly at 200MHz, will it not? (FLU). The RAM is rated at 133MHz, the RAM runs at half the CPU clock so the only way the RAM could become a problem is if you're running the CPU at 266MHz+, something not very likely to happen.
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Kolkman posted on Jul 16 2004 at 03:43 AM said:
This topic sux. I want to know something about the OpenSNES mod, and all I read is thinks about Germans, GBAX and other stuff...

Please mods, delete those messages.
well chrono trigger and zelda run at full speed f/s 1 at 200 mhz
so i am very very happy

it is a HUGE speed boost
i agree with kolkman
this tweek is increadible and people should be talking about it more

edit: i forgot to mention to run the games with sound disabled
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mattmagoo posted on Jul 16 2004 at 01:26 PM said:
actually, i coted for Drummaster, but ure bludy (yes) (no) thing pissed me off and I ended up voting in the wrong place

I think he has good points about GBAX, I am sick and tired of people screaming from the roof-tops about howe good they are, no-one understands that Craig probably doesn't give 2 shits about u and ure broken GP32, he just know ure gonna come on here and say he is awesome.

I am not as strong about it as DM, I dont believe all his conspiracy theory crap, but I do believe GBAX are just a regular shop with over the top pricing techniques
Just shut up now.

This mod rocks. Like the boomerang-guy said, Zelda and Chrono Trigger at Full Speed. Awesome.
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my un-lit gp32 goes 220+
i'm guessing plus because it stayed on 220 for a long time and it didn't even run out of batteries
i got board of watching that animation
although it is pretty cool
Its true that more non BLU's can reach 200+, i've seen no BLU's which can get that high, its very rare for them to even reach 180mhz.

craigix posted on Jul 16 2004 at 08:50 PM said:
Its true that more non BLU's can reach 200+, i've seen no BLU's which can get that high, its very rare for them to even reach 180mhz.

No offense in that but every person I know can go at least at 180 with their BLU...around 10 persons...;)

Please don't see any offense in that, I just want to discuss about that here. :)
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No offense in that but every person I know can go at least at 180 with their BLU...around 10 persons...

Please don't see any offense in that, I just want to discuss about that here.

Actually, while my BLU can get up to 184MHz in mirko's overclocking tester before pooping out, it can only get up to 176MHz in the OpenSNES9x mod. I'd like to attribute this to my own wrong doing, but I'm 99% sure it just has to do with OpenSNES9x being more taxing on the GP32 then even mirko's tester. Consider my original overclocking tester versus mirko's tester. On my original tester, a lot of people got up to 200MHz. On mirko's tester, only a scarce few got to 200MHz. Both used the same library, so it's more likely that it has to do with how much the CPU is utilized (my original tester didn't even have graphics beyond simple B&W text). When/if fGEN32 gets higher clock speeds, we may see even a lower threshold then OS9x.