Unnecesary Keyboard


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I think Prometheus hit the nail on the head. How would you play all those older systems that had keyboards without a keyboard?

As I understand it, a keyboard was one of the features people wanted when Pandora was in its early conceptual stages.

Think of the possibilities. You could use the buttons as macros in games (provided they're built in, or something you could script in), text input becomes easier than scrolling through letters with the dpad or trying to use the touch screen, developers could use it for special commands or weapon selection, and don't get me started on typing up documents. I've typed out entire documents on my phone's keyboard, something I could never do if I were forced to touch screen the whole thing.

And what would you do with the extra space if there were no keyboard there? You do realize that it would be just about the same size with or without the keyboard, right? The screen size plays a large part in the clamshell format. Bigger battery adds weight. 2nd screen eats battery (and is probably patented by Nintendo).

My last 4 phones over the past 7 years have all had full keyboards; I just don't buy phones without them anymore. The keyboard + game controls sold me on Pandora. Without it, Pandora becomes unnecessary.
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Wow, 5 more pages on this pointless subject. I noticed that the poster didn't have too many posts so I forgive him because he really doesn't know what he's saying, doesn't know that there are 100s of other threads about this already.

I have to add that I'm one of those people that are buying the Pandora because it has a keyboard.

EDIT: Well, keyboard is major reason anyway. Linux is #1 reason, open is #2, and keyboard is #3.
Gruntfuggly said:
How did this thread get to 5 pages? Why did anybody even answer the OP?
I think we did.
OP said something like "Why not use an on-screen keyboard like everyone else?"
and we were all "Because we're not trying to get the same customer base, and those guys all suck anyway"
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Yeah, yucky grease spot on the screens, mmmhhh, delicious!!
Look, an Iphone looks great as long as you dont begin to touch it and
the Pandora would be the same ;)

Another view:
A Pandora without the keyboard would be a hacked PSP,
perhaps a bit faster - ok it would be "more" open, but we dont look
at that point now (come on, its a troll thread and I need troll arguments).
ricki said:
For me a hard keyboard is absolutely necessary!
Would you like a German layout, or are you ok with the English version? I'll start a discussion about it in the near future. If we take first and second batchers, we might reach the necessary 1000 for an alternative layout.
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A good question, though: has the keyboard/screen distance been tested to ensure that the keys dont touch the screen when the case is closed? Oh man, I hope this has been tested .. I hate it when I get a laptop that has this problem ..
^ I slightly remember a discussion about this 1.5 years ago. It should all be fine. The screen is recessed even further than the bezel.
SefSermak said:
Yeah I understand those big companies are unbeatable, and Pandora already IS a better device than NDS or iPhone, and I know imitation is a losing game... but that keyboard... IDK, it is just so innecessary and makes the device more... big and less eye-candy... new devices no longer have keyboards: iphone, ipad, nds, psp go, etc. Guys, I really like the pandora, but here's a small advice from me for Pandora 2.0: get rid of the physical keyboard, there are people that want a physical kbrd with the pandora you say? no prob, make your wonderfull device compatible with some external kbrd and voila!

If you design a very eye-caching device with all this power and linux and homebres pandora already have... you may even compete with the big guys...

On screen keyboards are ineffective, and besides, think of how hard it would be to use an Amiga emulator! Besides, we do intend to use the Pandora to develop it's own games... Can you imagine vim/emacs without a real keyboard?
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For many retrogamers the keyboard is more than a text input device and is in fact a gaming control. This requires more than 1 (or 2) simultaneous keypresses, and so a touchscreen keyboard wouldn't suffice.

Can someone confirm that the keyboard will allow such multiple key combinations?

Skeez - will be in touch.. I'm on holiday in Orlando. I can read my mails but not send as my push email isn't working here. Will need to see which graphics need recreating and which ones can be reused.
The keyboard is the biggest selling point for me, other wise having a pocket size Linux machine would be pointless.

Would definitely hard to play all those old computer games without it.
TrashyMG said:
The Keyboard is the biggest selling point for me, other wise having a pocket size Linux machine would be pointless.


Buy a Nokia N800 if you want a little Ipad/tablet without any keyboard. I have one. It's a very nice device but utterly crap for input.
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ste_167 said:
Can someone confirm that the keyboard will allow such multiple key combinations?

If I recall correctly, it won't. Just two. The control and alt keys are on the 'gaming key' section, so those don't count towards that.
I'll say again that I'm not sure.
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Vlynndar said:
If I recall correctly, it won't. Just two. The control and alt keys are on the 'gaming key' section, so those don't count towards that.
I'll say again that I'm not sure.
You recalled correctly.
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