Unfinished Games...


Dec 26, 2003
England, UK
Where have all those cool (commercial, I must stress that, we've got plenty of freebies that are great!) games that were in development gone?

Surely if someone spends the amount of time on developing a title for such a niche machine as the GP32, it would make more sense to release it as-is, or electronically through MegaGP/JoyGP than to hold off on trying to get Gamepark to distribute it?

Some of the titles I've seen on gp32x.de/gp32news and other sites that looked playable and well polished, but have simply vanished are:

Chess - Emotion Wars : Cutesy little chess game will pieces that looked like they had special powers etc. Seemed to be almost done, and that was a LONG time ago, well over a year.. but it just never apeared.

Wanna Be Wizard : Fantastic looking 16bit graphics, an Action RPG, the gameplay seemed reminiscent of something like the side scrolling Ys III game. Did the developer just stop the work for some reason?

Godess Saga : A class based strategy/tactical/RPG, looked like it could be the GP32's Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigger. Alas it seems to have progressed no further than it had by last year. No news.

Spirits Soul : Isometric platformer/adventure. Nice looking graphics and an interesting idea. Again, nothing heard in absolutely months. Has it died?

Then there were all the titles that were announced, but have just failed to appear; I mean just take a look at the list of Lost Games on the gp32news.com website, and I'm SURE I've seen more that people posted were 'in development' and just have never materialised.

If you gave all that time and effort in developing a game, surely you would want to see people playing it, rather than just shelve it indefinitely? I mean, I can't see the folks who were holding out for Gamepark to fund them ever getting their games released if that is the case.... By the time comes, the console will not be viable.. it's no spring chicken now.

BTW, I'm not knocking the efforts of the all the folks who have created titles themselves or who have ported numerous apps and emulators; you're doing a fine job... but to sell the console to the general public, more commericial titles are needed - it just doesn't make sense to me why Gamepark haven't doen more to get more 3rd party commercial games finished and available before they tried to branch out.

Emulators are great, but they don't sell a console to the public at large, only to a small minority like us.

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Yep, there are a whole load more there that just seem to have dropped off the face of the earth. Although it is quite annoying to see those titles and screen shots, just taunting us with things that could have been.

Oh, and any Korean bods out there developing any of those titles still... multi language support please! :(
So many sweet looking games,

/me want Epoch

A lot of those games look pretty complete ... hopefully gamepark were just holding them off for the euro release ( not very likely considering most of them were in korean and actually look to be decent games )
Were also getting Blue Angelo and Yoki Yoki or something like that, both with multilingual support. Solitaire was mere finished, too bad it couldnt get released (does anyone know exactly why?)