Favourite Snes Games........

Delsabre posted on Apr 8 2004 at 07:03 PM said:
Yes, it does count because that was before PlayStation entered the market and drew in the idiots ( aka americans ).
<_< I think the real idiots are the 11 year old GBA fan boys that are buying remakes of classic SNES & NES games thinking that they are original GBA titles...
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Im gonna upset a few people her, but I just dont like Chrono Trigger. I dont know y it just never "grabbed" me

I also like kirbys dreamcourse, but one of my faves was Chaos Engine, whic plays sexily on OS9X.

I also got a thing for Yoshis Safari, wierd i know
my favs are:

- Seiken Densetsu 3 (aka Secret of Mana 2; the best game for snes that ever came out; squaresoft, you're gods =)
- Super Mario World (i don't know how to don't like it ^^)
- Super Mario World 2 (aka Yoshi's Island; can't get enough of it ^^)
- Street Fighter 2
- F-Zero (hell, that game rules)
- Worms (i like the original, so i like the snes-ver)
watoto posted on Apr 9 2004 at 01:00 PM said:
seeing as how chrono trigger is most ppl fave,was anyone successfull in running radical dreamers?the patched version i mean.i couldn't

I didnt try it in Os9xGP, but in ZNES (win). I think it doesnt work on os9xGP because its an Satellavision Game, and when i open it in ZNES is says "not enough SRAM available please delete one of the following slots" Or something similar.
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Some of these might be lesser known and have english patches

Wonder Project j - very odd game where you teach a robot to perform tasks but very good - english patch avaiilable

go go ackman - standard platformer but you're a demon boy who fights angles and has a little devil which collects souls kinda quirky but fun - english patch available

harvest moon - this game is kinda fun you run a farm and just perform daily tasks it's weird but I dig it

earthbound - probably the most odd rpg ever you fight trees birds hippes and stuff but it's so odd I just can't stop playing it

magic knighht ray earth - kind of easy but the translation job on this is really well done and it's kind of fun

wario vs. mario - this is a fun puzzle game of sorts it needs a mouse but I had a rom that was english patched and hhacked to allow it to be played with a joystick it ran full speed with sound in snes9x

others include

chrono trigger
mario world
knights of the round
area 88
any ff game
aero biz
contra 3
any DK game
starfox one and the unreleased final beta sf2
hey scaz, sorry i took my time gettin over here but i aint been ol 4 a few days (been 2 london, arnie's an emma's)

any way my fave games are
another world
bahamut lagoon
bof 1 and 2
cannon fodder
equinox - not many ppl seem 2 oof heard of this, any one else played it?
ff 3/6
Kirby ss
mazza rpg
pipe dream
super met

also just 2 piss off scaz, i need to voice my dislike for earthbound
Wolfsclaw posted on Apr 10 2004 at 08:39 PM said:
radical dreamers english trans 1.1 from the goodsnes set works fine for me.
what the goodsnes set?
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I just noticed that myself. Oh dear.

My favourite Snes games... hrm.

Twinbee (Of course),
Super Aleste/Space Megaforce,
Super Street Fighter II
Gradius III
Front Mission w/ English Patch (Is there a transparency hack to get the movement squares to show up on GP32?)
Super Chase HQ

And my favourite games that don't work on GP32:

Axelay (Actually I haven't tried)
Starfox 2 Final Beta
Bahamut Lagoon
Akumajou Dracula XX

I haven't seen Gundam Wing: Endless Duel mentioned at all.