pubjoe: Well, I actually looked on ebay and found 2500s also, so when I say 2600 I mean some card around that spec. I know one is selling for £31 right now. But as I said I'm waiting it out until the GT is cheaper.
The graphics card is going to help me tons. I'm on a Ti4200. The 6800 GT is two generations above it, but virtually the same card (as far as price range and overclockability goes, although I only paid about £100 for the 4200). This means even without the memory and processor I could probably move up two resolutions on Doom 3, but more importantly I'm thinking about HL2 and the other games based on Doom 3 and HL2 engines. Or STALKER, FEAR, Black & White 2, maybe even finally being able to run SimCity 4 with a medium-sized city and not have it die on me
mattmagoo: That deal sucks, two years ago I could have bought that PC for £1000 with the screen. Times have changed and I think you could get it a lot cheaper if you look around.
finty101: BFG? Please elaborate, 'cos I still have time to change stuff.
Here I am chuffed about my new PC but look at this:
Kind of puts me to shame, doesn't it