Ultimate Doom & Final Doom PS1

  • Thread starter Thread starter hakmanplayer
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Hello fellow Pandorians,

I have the games Final Doom & Ultimate Doom for pscx rearmed.

On the card i have these games on i have other PS1 games on it. I play those very well [thankfully].

My problem is that with these 2 games [only] i cannot get past the loading screen.

There is plenty of memory left on the card i am using [6gb].

I have the cpu settings @800 and have tried 900 but with the same results.

Is there some tweaking i need to do on the pscx rearmed interface menu to get these games to play??

The type of file these games are are the same kind of file i use on all my other PS1 games [about 25 right now].

Will anyone dare try to help me?? I hope i was understood. English is not my native tongue or finger.

Thanks either way,

The hothead B) :P :rolleyes: :angry:
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The Doom games dont work on any emu for the Pandora.

There are ports to play the PC version on your Pandora though.
Yup I think you stumbled on one that just doesn't work. The prBoom is pretty good though just drop in the .wad files (and select them via the great pickle launcher) and you're ready.
i play doom 64 well.

ok then.. so much for ps dooms.


What about the SNES or Genesis versions?
i can play the snes.

i did not know there was a genesis one though. There is on the 32x....not for Pandy

saturn yes...but not for Pandy either unfortunately :( .
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There is on the 32x....not for Pandy
You'll be happy to hear that the 32X is supported by PicoDrive. :) It has documentation which will tell you what BIOS files you need to make 32X emulation work, and where to put them.
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There is on the 32x....not for Pandy
You'll be happy to hear that the 32X is supported by PicoDrive. :) It has documentation which will tell you what BIOS files you need to make 32X emulation work, and where to put them.
Thanks Prometheus that helps me very much. Really :D ...You saved me again!!

I did PM Notaz and he told me that the pscx remarmed emulator & Pandora cannot play the Doom games due to too many bugs in the emulator and it needs to be debugged.

He also said this is a long and difficult thing for him to do and maybe in the future he will attempt this.

But as of now unplayable. :(
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