Ubuntu On The Gp2x? Possible?

Sparr said:
The point of trying to get ubuntu, or more specifically any debian-based distro, is that when you get that working then you instantly get access to THOUSANDS of precompiled packages, to be installed from a package manager. After using the Nokia 770 (linux based pdaish thing, based on debian, non-open hardware), I dread going back to the GP2X's horrible software situation.
Till now I never used a LiNUX-PDA. So please go ahed and answer Toady's question:
Which of the SW do you want to use on the GP2x? firefox? KDE/ Gnome?
Don't get me wrong, such a list would be useful, cause it is better to "port" the apps which are really useful (on the gp2x) ourself. Like xpdf.
A rough guess: from the >1000 packages you could use 3-5 on the gp2x :)
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3-5? I can think of dozens right off the top of my head that I would love to have. Media players, network clients, games, the list is huge.