Uae4all Wiki Generator

Oct 20, 2005
I'm a client server programmer - I can't help develop GP2x stuff ... However, I want to contribute to the cause:

Basically, this allows quick and easy generation of Wiki entries for the Game Compatibility area of the UAE3All Wiki Entry including the search of the HOL database without retyping anything.

While it is designed for the UAE4All, it could EASILY be adapted for other emulator compatibility lists, so please feel free to copy/edit, whatever you want with it.

I hope this helps!
Thats really nice! Any chance you want to post the actual php code you used?

Can you believe its 100% Javascript? I just used the PHP extention out of habit.

This will run LOCALLY off your hard drive. No database, no scripting required. Just save the file!

It is not really complicated so I didn't really comment the code or anything. Its pretty simple.

If there were no restrictions on cross-domain security (thank GOD there is) I could actually HARVEST out the GameID directly from HOL - you wouldn't have to type anything or cut and paste from HOL at all.

I may look into embedding the HOL lookup into an iframe, that would allow one less popup window - maybe even get the WIKI in one ... keep it ALL on one page. I'll have to play around. Lots I could do to make this easier.
I contacted HOL to see if I could work something out to make the GameID easier to obtain. We'll see.

I've added 0.25 as a possible version for the generator.
Alright, a brand new version of the UAE4All Wiki Generator. It is now hosted at my GP2x Site:

1.1 Notes:
- Fully tested across Opera, IE, and Firefox
- No longer requires HOL's popup or any manual typing to get the GameID! Thanks to Team HOL for dumping me a copy of their mySQL tables so I could host it locally.
- Now requires iframes (not frames, iframes) instead of popups (I know I know ... lesser of two evils). It is this or a round trip to the server and if its good enough for Google, it is good enough for me.
- Streamlined the UI a bit; added more validation.

Hope it works out well for everyone. Will add the slider, etc. later.