You could try laser squad for spectrum or atari st (probably more systems too)
Famicom wars for nes is good too but its in Japanese.
Likewise super famicom wars for snes.
i think dune2 for the genesis is the only rts available for us gpers, oh and that warcraft like 1 for the gbc. cant remember its name. atleats thats all i know of.
Super Robot Wars 3, 4, and EX (Dai-san-ji Super Robot Taisen, Dai-yon-ji Super Robot Taisen, Super Robot Taisen EX: Masoukishin/Lord of Elemental, respectively) SD Gundam Generations, Front Mission, Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem 3, 4, and 5 (Monshou no Nazo, Seisen no Keifu, and Thracia 776), all on SNES/SFC.
Prepare to learn some Japanese (or download a translation patch) if you want to know half of what's going on in those games.
imo that advance wars got unberably tiresome. <_<
Are there any remakes or original ideas of stradegy games being made for the GP32? Also if you want a simple one look for Theme Park on the Mega Drive. Still a classic imo.