Turn Based Or Stratergy Games


Jan 20, 2004
Just wondering what turn based or statergy games are available to gp32 users.
I have military madness on gpengine but there must be more.


I was a huge Fan of UFO enemy unknown on amiga SO things that that would be perfect.
Guess i should of thaught a bit harder, How could i forget civilisation on snes i actually own it lol.
i think dune2 for the genesis is the only rts available for us gpers, oh and that warcraft like 1 for the gbc. cant remember its name. atleats thats all i know of.
Super Robot Wars 3, 4, and EX (Dai-san-ji Super Robot Taisen, Dai-yon-ji Super Robot Taisen, Super Robot Taisen EX: Masoukishin/Lord of Elemental, respectively) SD Gundam Generations, Front Mission, Tactics Ogre, Fire Emblem 3, 4, and 5 (Monshou no Nazo, Seisen no Keifu, and Thracia 776), all on SNES/SFC.

Prepare to learn some Japanese (or download a translation patch) if you want to know half of what's going on in those games. :P
NES - Famicom Wars
SNES - Superfamicom Wars

Both similar to Advance wars for GBA

imo that advance wars got unberably tiresome. <_<
Are there any remakes or original ideas of stradegy games being made for the GP32? Also if you want a simple one look for Theme Park on the Mega Drive. Still a classic imo.:D