Internal Development
Alright, lets cut to the heart of the matter! Let us aim for the best of the Best Ofs 
We've all done "Best of SNES" and "Best of Amiga" and such (check my previous postings for Best of Spectrum, Best of C64, etc.); but what I'm curious about now are best of the best.. not to be forgotten games.
Lets just ignore the 'big tickets' like "Final Fantasy" -- while I've not yet played them (!!), the very name is burned into my cranium due to all the references to it.
But Eye of the Beholder trilogy is popular, but one of those things so many people never experienced.. since it was mostly PC based (admittedly, there are some Amiga versions, and I just found out about a SNES version of EoB1, which is what caused me to make ths post.)
Another good example for DOS could be Commander Keen, or the original platformer Duke Nukems, or my just went-on-about Wing Commander.
What are the greats that should be experienced.. any platform at all. Even if it isn't emulated (yet!) on your gp32, gp2x, Pocket PC, Palm OS, PSP, NDS, etc..
We already know some, so no need to add Final Fantasy, Sensible World of Soccer, Civilization.
(Maybe SMAC - Sid Meiers Alpha centauri - counts, since its one of my favourites but a lot of people just remember Civ series. Hell, Civ II is gorgeous and a little retro..)
Best Of Yet Nearly Forgotten
Wizardry 7 - Crusaders of the DarkSavant : PC
- one of the very best RPGs of all time; lots of stats, +5 weapons, and a huge damned world that'll take hundreds of hours to beat. If only it had a modern UI .. having to click on everything with no key-shortcuts is infuriating by todays standards
Military Madness : TG16
- a great turn based strategy wargame; peopel love the TG16 for its shooters, and maybe the Bonk platformers.. but Moto Roader and Military Madness shouldn't be passed over!
SO these examples are to show .. games that are great, that you may have forgotten and want to revisit, or if you nevetr tried a TG16 you know to check out Military Madness.
We've all done "Best of SNES" and "Best of Amiga" and such (check my previous postings for Best of Spectrum, Best of C64, etc.); but what I'm curious about now are best of the best.. not to be forgotten games.
Lets just ignore the 'big tickets' like "Final Fantasy" -- while I've not yet played them (!!), the very name is burned into my cranium due to all the references to it.
But Eye of the Beholder trilogy is popular, but one of those things so many people never experienced.. since it was mostly PC based (admittedly, there are some Amiga versions, and I just found out about a SNES version of EoB1, which is what caused me to make ths post.)
Another good example for DOS could be Commander Keen, or the original platformer Duke Nukems, or my just went-on-about Wing Commander.
What are the greats that should be experienced.. any platform at all. Even if it isn't emulated (yet!) on your gp32, gp2x, Pocket PC, Palm OS, PSP, NDS, etc..
We already know some, so no need to add Final Fantasy, Sensible World of Soccer, Civilization.
(Maybe SMAC - Sid Meiers Alpha centauri - counts, since its one of my favourites but a lot of people just remember Civ series. Hell, Civ II is gorgeous and a little retro..)
Best Of Yet Nearly Forgotten
Wizardry 7 - Crusaders of the DarkSavant : PC
- one of the very best RPGs of all time; lots of stats, +5 weapons, and a huge damned world that'll take hundreds of hours to beat. If only it had a modern UI .. having to click on everything with no key-shortcuts is infuriating by todays standards
Military Madness : TG16
- a great turn based strategy wargame; peopel love the TG16 for its shooters, and maybe the Bonk platformers.. but Moto Roader and Military Madness shouldn't be passed over!
SO these examples are to show .. games that are great, that you may have forgotten and want to revisit, or if you nevetr tried a TG16 you know to check out Military Madness.