I have a Game Gear, a Gameboy Pocket, Playstation games, and a Super NES that I'd like to trade for a Pandora. It breaks my heart to part with my beloved Game Gear and Gameboy Pocket, but I believe that this is worth it. (The SNES can take a hike)
Game Gear:
Game Gear model 2110
North American AC Adapter model MK-2103
5 Cartridge covers
The Adventures of Batman and Robin
Castle of Illusion Staring Mickey Mouse
Micro Machines
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Tale Spin
Gameboy Pocket:
Gameboy Pocket model MGB-001
Nintendo DS Lite case modified to fir the Gameboy Pocket
Pokemon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition
Grand Theft Auto 2 (Gameboy Color)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System:
North American SNES model SNS-101
North American AC Adapter model SNS-002
SNES controller model SNS-102
Audio/Video cable
Ape Escape (Greatest Hits, cover but no case)
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (Greatest Hits, complete in case)
CTR (Crash Team Racing) (Greatest Hits, complete in case)
Driver: You are the Wheelman (complete in case)
Gran Turismo (Greatest Hits, compete in case)
Grand Theft Auto 2 (Greatest Hits, complete in case)
Jet Moto 2 (Greatest Hits, complete in case)
San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing (complete in case)
Spyro: Ripto's Rage (Greatest Hits, in case, but no cover)
Spyro: Year of the Dragon (case, but no cover)
Starwars Rebel Assault 2: The Hidden Empire (2 disks, no case but there is an instructions slip)
Surf Riders (complete in case)
WWF War Zone (Greatest Hits, complete in case)
Pictures: (clickable thumbnails. Some of the pictures are on my other PC, I'll upload them later.)
Game Gear and Gameboy Pocket front:

Game Gear and Gameboy Pocket back:

SNES Controller, AC adapter, and A/V cable

Gameboy Pocket in the case


SNES top:

SNES bottom:

Game Gear AC Adapter

I have a Game Gear, a Gameboy Pocket, Playstation games, and a Super NES that I'd like to trade for a Pandora. It breaks my heart to part with my beloved Game Gear and Gameboy Pocket, but I believe that this is worth it. (The SNES can take a hike)
Game Gear:
Game Gear model 2110
North American AC Adapter model MK-2103
5 Cartridge covers
The Adventures of Batman and Robin
Castle of Illusion Staring Mickey Mouse
Micro Machines
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Tale Spin
Gameboy Pocket:
Gameboy Pocket model MGB-001
Nintendo DS Lite case modified to fir the Gameboy Pocket
Pokemon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition
Grand Theft Auto 2 (Gameboy Color)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System:
North American SNES model SNS-101
North American AC Adapter model SNS-002
SNES controller model SNS-102
Audio/Video cable
Ape Escape (Greatest Hits, cover but no case)
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (Greatest Hits, complete in case)
CTR (Crash Team Racing) (Greatest Hits, complete in case)
Driver: You are the Wheelman (complete in case)
Gran Turismo (Greatest Hits, compete in case)
Grand Theft Auto 2 (Greatest Hits, complete in case)
Jet Moto 2 (Greatest Hits, complete in case)
San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing (complete in case)
Spyro: Ripto's Rage (Greatest Hits, in case, but no cover)
Spyro: Year of the Dragon (case, but no cover)
Starwars Rebel Assault 2: The Hidden Empire (2 disks, no case but there is an instructions slip)
Surf Riders (complete in case)
WWF War Zone (Greatest Hits, complete in case)
Pictures: (clickable thumbnails. Some of the pictures are on my other PC, I'll upload them later.)
Game Gear and Gameboy Pocket front:
Game Gear and Gameboy Pocket back:
SNES Controller, AC adapter, and A/V cable
Gameboy Pocket in the case
SNES top:
SNES bottom:
Game Gear AC Adapter