Touchscreen acting weird at a certain spot


Still Fresh
Jan 23, 2013
Right. I've got my 1Ghz Pandora today. Everything is running flawless except for one thing:

The touchscreen is sensing the input wrong at a certain area of the screen.

If I put the stylus anywhere there one of three things happens

1. I'tll think I've touched the screen on a different place, If I move the stylus in that area it will move the pointer in the opposite direction (mirroring it)

2. It will move the pointer to the far left side of the screen, same y-coordinates.

3. It will spasm around until it has finally found the right spot, however it will still spaz around a bit even if I keep the stylus on the exact same spot all the time

Have you calibrated the touch screen?

Is there a foreign object under the screen bezel near the problem area?
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I've calibrated it multiple times.

I can't feel nor see a foreign object near the problem area. :(
Is the bezel correctly snapped in the top part on all sides?
LinuxSWAT had the same issue - it looks like there's something behind that area of the screen (could be a speaker wire that accidentally crossed over).

It might be solvable with opening the screws a bit (so there won't be that much pressure from the case), otherwise (as I guess you don't want to look into that yourself), I'll have to repair it (or Link, if you're in USA/Canada)
Losening the screws didn't change anything.

However If I get a a few hints on how to open up the display casing without ruining it completely I am willed to try and fix it myself, as long as this won't kill my warranty.

If it does I'd rather send it back than fix it myself. Altho that'd be a shame as I've been saving up on this device for a while and don't really want to send it back again already. 

Edit: I've just noticed that it's working perfectly as long as I press down on a certain part of the casing right beneath the area. As soon as I release the pressure it's acting up again.

Edit edit: There's a very noticeable gap exactly where I have to press it down for it to work.

I've tried taking a picture. You can actually see it fairly easily.

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That gap is there on most units. There might be some dirt inside of it or to the left or right under the bezel.
You might try hitting it with a blast of pressurized air around the top of the LCD screen where the bezel snaps in. Have your Pandy powered off when you try this.

This was a suggestion given me by Link when I was having trouble with my touchscreen and nubs not working DID fix the nub problem, but not the touchscreen, so, in my case, I maybe have a broken lcd cable...Link will sort that out, my Pandy should be in his hands today.

BUT, if you DO have some small dirt or something under the bezel and you just don't see it, the air might dislodge it.

But use actual pressurized air from a can like they sell in computer/electronics shops...not a big whiff of your own breath, since that could also put saliva and stuff in there, you just want a good, clean burst of air. It might help, and no harm in trying it.
I can't get it to work unfortunately. It seems like it's even getting worse.

I've sent a contact-message through the DragonBox shop as I've bought it there.

Unfortunately I'm going on vacation very soon and I was really hoping I could take the pandora with me. Shame.
What's very soon?

You're from Germany, so you might have your unit back at the end of next week.