Touch Screen Fail :-( Help! Opinions?


Still Fresh
May 19, 2009
Hi there,

Just got my GP2X Wiz today.
Very impressed at first, applied the screen protector, gave it a charge and turned it on.

First noticed something was weird in the menus.
Then I went into the test mode...

The picture in this post is the output I get when I move the stylus around the edges of the screen.
As you can see there is a big dead spot on the right, a little bit on the left and some kind of weirdness in the bottom, but mostly ok.

So, opinions? Is this a blatant hardware fault and I should return it to play-asia or is there some kind of fix for this?

Calibration lots of times, upgrading the firmware to the one released on the 15th, neither have worked for me.

I'm sooo sad. This thing cost me a hell of a lot to get shipped all the way here to New Zealand AND my government slapped me with 20% on top of that for customs/duty tax. First time I've been stung by that...

Anything would be great :-) thanks!

Gruso posted on May 19 2009 at 08:39 PM) Hi. : said:
I'm not a Wiz owner, but I have been reading a lot of Wiz threads today. Have you run the touch screen calibration?

This thread might be worth a read:
Hi there,
Yeah I read that thread. They're talking about small inaccuricies, I have a dead zone that takes up like an 8th of the screen or something. Also I have run calibration and it's no help :-(
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johncross85 posted on May 19 2009 at 09:17 PM said:
Could it be something to do with the screen protector?
Thanks for your post :-)

But I'm going to say no for a few reasons. Mainly beceause why would the company manufactre screen protectors that don't let the stylus signal get through? Also because there is a small gap to the left of the screen protected where I am able to touch raw screen and that does not register, same problem. Also no amount of reasonable force with the normal stylus or something blunt seems to make a difference.
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I was thinking that the screen protector may be confusing how the screen registers touch rather than not letting the touch through but it is really only idle speculation. I got a free third-party screen protector with my first DS and I found that although it worked fine most of the time it occasionally registered touch in completely the wrong place. I took the protector off and the problem went away.

Taking the protector off might ruin it and as I say - tis just speculation. I certainly wouldn't wreck your screen protector just because of (little more than) a guess by me but it might be worth trying as a last resort.

johncross85 posted on May 19 2009 at 10:28 PM) I was thinking that the screen protector may be confusing how the screen registers touch rather than not letting the touch through but it is really only idle speculation. I got a free third-party screen protector with my first DS and I found that although it worked fine most of the time it occasionally registered touch in completely the wrong place. I took the protector off and the problem went away. Taking the protector off might ruin it and as I say - tis just speculation. I certainly wouldn't wreck your screen protector just because of (little more than said:
a guess by me but it might be worth trying as a last resort.

I see...Could be possible.
I might order another screen protector in the future and risk mucking this one up to fix it.
I've been playing around with it and to be honest the dead zone doesn't even really effect even the touch-screen games. The only thing I can't do right now is touch the up arrow when scrolling through menus in the OS but I can just use Dpad for that. And I mean that's the only thing I can't do so far. So, I'll see what play-asia say about exchanging, etc and if it's too much money/effort I may just leave it.

But still, if anyone knows a quick fix or something, that would be neat.
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I forget what kind of (x,y) test they use, but if its like most PDAs then you can permanently damage the digitizer (sensor) by pulling on the screen.. ie: apply a screenprotector, then remove it and FUBAR.

Or it could be FUBAr'd anyway :)

Hmm ok so a reason not to try to remove the screen protector.
I already did try tho lol and it just wasn't coming off so I left it. The condition of the console remains unchanged, though as I said it may be something I can just live with. Started playing some Genesis games and they look and run soooo well. I don't want to give it up anymore lol
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I just tried mine out and I am encountering a similar problem. the dead zone is much smaller though, but still bigger than any calibration would help
edit: and removing the screen protector worked... for me. it wasnt as big a problem as yours was though so ymmv
PoisonedV posted on May 20 2009 at 05:52 PM said:
I just tried mine out and I am encountering a similar problem. the dead zone is much smaller though, but still bigger than any calibration would help
edit: and removing the screen protector worked... for me. it wasnt as big a problem as yours was though so ymmv
Mine does the same thing in the upper right hand corner...

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Mine has a similar problem with the touch screen, though it's more of a lag than a dead zone but most likely it's an issue with the firmware, that will probably get fixed in the next update. but don't quote me on that.
I have a inaccurate screen as well. It was working fine for a while, but now it is inaccurate no matter how I calibrate it. I'm worried that I might have ruined the sensors when rubbing the screen (to clean it). I sure hope GPH hasn't decided to use a cheap touch screen vendor also...