Tons Of Obscure Games You Can Play On Gp - W/ Pics


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles

this is great, i love running across finds like this. he goes into detail about lots of old NES/ Master System games,16-bit, Atari 2600 - old arcade games too. basically it's just a list of all this guy's favorite games, some of which are imports or just rather obscure. Best part is that it has LOADS of pics w/ short writeups, so you can see if it's of interest to you.

only problem is he seems to go over bandwidth limit pretty easy (too many pics!)
definitely worth checking out though, I am sure a lot of these games could find a permanent place on your SMC's (that you might otherwise never had known about)

Have a look around!
If its really good, maybe someone from the community with some webspace to hand could offer hosting with slightly better bandwidth wossnames?

(Can't get to it today - limit reached)
everyone should try
they give lots of disk space, huge transfer, ftp.

i dont work there im just a happy user!
Too many iterations of the same series - how many Castlevania games were there in his list??? Should put in the first one he played and the best one he played and actually featured some of the honourable mentions.
ColinR posted on Feb 13 2004 at 06:13 PM said:
Too many iterations of the same series - how many Castlevania games were there in his list??? Should put in the first one he played and the best one he played and actually featured some of the honourable mentions.
I understand your sentiment, but to be fair, all three (or four) Super Mario games deserve to make the list of top 100 Nintendo games, or even top 100 video games of all time.

Those games didn't make this guy's list, but that's OK, it would have been predictable. Besides, if he loves the Castlevania series, let him blast them all over his pages, no harm done. ;)
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Hey, thanks for the kind words about the site. :) One of the members here contacted me about hosting the site elsewhere, so I decided to pop in and say hi. Nice site here, although I admit I've never heard of the GP32 until now.

Why the multitude of games from the same series in my Top 100? I was going in what individual games I liked best, and quite a few of those are Castlevania, Gradius and Contra games. What can I say? I'm a big fan of all three series.