To be a Pyra or not to be a Pyra!

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
So given the Pyra's feature list we can imagine lot's of different uses. But what about unconventional uses, stuff that might utilize the various hardware features in interesting ways.

There is a lot packed into this little machine. We have a rumble motor and accelerometer right? And a tilt/motion thingie?

Has anyone though of novel uses for the hardware. How could it be used to enhance emulators/games or browsing?

I think browsing will be pretty good on the pyra.

Ridiculous or just plain silly uses are also welcome.
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Well, having an accelerometer and rumble means we can finally play the best short form game ever made - Warioware Twisted.  Hopefully the lag on the accelerometer won't kill that.

I can't think of many other gestures that might be useful outside of dedicated games though.  Perhaps it could be such that if you set it upside down on its lid it goes into silent mode, but we'd also need a software switch so you could set it for if it's in your pocket/bag in the cinema etc.  Having a keyboard at a fixed angle means rotating the screen to portrait makes less sense than it does in a phone, but perhaps dedicated image viewers should make use of it as a speedy way to see portrait framed pictures in greater detail.
Ive seen rumble motors, accelerometers, wifi-lists and bluetooth MACs collected to bring credibility to camera footage. If you record all of it, embed the hash in the actual work, along with the metadata. It is an additional vector in the burden of proof put on authenticity.

You can use it to make maps based on Wifi SSID-names. Add a lightmeter on usb and you can do the same for artificial/natural light, this needs GPS-data to go along with it. 
I thought we were having a hardware volume control - why do you need a 'silent' mode when you can just turn the volume down to zero?
Having a keyboard at a fixed angle means rotating the screen
You know, this gave me a great idea, though it's probably too late for implementation.
So, in one side of the Pyra's hinge is the actual locking mechanism. I'm assuming the other is just going to be a bolt or something just to keep it connected (I could be wrong)

But what if you put a potentiometer as the holding bolt on the otherside? You could then have feedback into the Pyra of what angle the lid is open at
It has a Barometric Sensor. so why not a way to make sure that cabin pressur isn't faling on planes. :D
Hmm, that's a good one.  I wonder who'll be the first to get the Pyra into a vacuum chamber ;)

Actually I wonder if anything would fail in a vacuum chamber.  I don't know if there's any trapped air in the screen assembly.  Probably some in the speakers, but that can leak out safely enough I'd have thought.  The battery is another worry.
hook it up to a USB midi keyboard and make some noise which might be mistaken for music.