Title Bar freeze when double clicking


Still Fresh
Jan 31, 2011
Hey guys

I have found a fucking problem which is giving me an headache. When we double click on the title bar (in order to minimize / maximize windows ) of a window, this one freeze during about 5 seconds :angry:

I reflashed several times the firmware (don't worry, I needed to do this for several other reasons) and this issue is still here.

I just edited the xfce "gconf-editor" fork, but it doesn't change anything. The most terrible thing is that the bar completely diseapear when we do the same operation several times :blink:
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I seem to recall that this is a bug in that version of Xfce.

I may be mistaken, but it may still be an ongoing one - for a quick example off of the top of my head, Xubuntu currently disables any response from double-clicking the title-bars, probably for this reason.

EDIT: My bad. It appears that it was fixed recently, at least in Xubuntu. I guess all that can be done here is wait for a newer version of Xfce to be rolled into the Pandora's OS.
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