Tiny Pyra News

If a Mac user can't open a .odp file it's fine and I'm the bad guy because I don't use .ppt.

If I ask students to upload presentations in pdf instead of pptx they just ignore me.
Just tell them to stop being cheap bastards and upgrade to the latest version of Office. My work computer has Office 2007 and it supports Open Document Format.

-God Ginrai
Just made me a Twitter Acount only to folow EDs Tweeds..

I ditnt made any Tweets because its only to READ (a ROM Acount) , But now i have some folowers...
Yes, I've used rssitfor.me in the past to do that, but that site seems to be having problems at the moment, so when setting up the feed for ED's account I found a site called twitterrss.net. It seems there are plenty of sites that sprung up when Twitter's API turned off RSS exports.
Maybe i make a tweed where i write, that this is a Read Only Acount, and my followers ditnt have to expect much tweeds from me..

Maybe i would make a Tweed when i receife my Pyra... :)

Meh, it could be worse. He could be using a Mac.
-God Ginrai

Rain mac?
I appreciate these Tiny Pyra News keep going, could be a good advertising platform if we share that twitter account enough.
Is it a good idea to have a link to the icp2 kickstarter on the twitter account?
Does EASTER work for Pyra as well? :P

If you can't wait for Pyra, this is your best time to grab a Pandora.