Beta Timidity++ 2.13.2 Port


Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia

Note: This is not to be confused with sebt3's MIDI Installer, which installs scripts + sounds for game music. sebt3's installer is actually a prerequisite to this release, as it provides sounds & Timidity config. So install it first.

This PND has two functions, which will show up as separate icons:

  • Timidity Daemon: This will mostly interest musicians. It loads Timidity as an ALSA daemon, making it a softsynth that will work with Seq24 and any other sequencers that get released in the future. (So you don't need to plug in external MIDI hardware to make noise.)
  • TiMidity Player: This launches a graphical (gtk) MIDI file player with playlist support and lots of fun buttons. It also launches the ALSA daemon, so if you're listening to a MIDI file and want to jump into Seq24 to edit it, you can do so without running the Daemon icon separately.
On first run (per session) you may be prompted for your password so that snd-seq module can be loaded.

Known issues:
-- Stutters under moderate load, especially when used with Seq24. I've addressed this somewhat by disabling reverb & chorus, but I think buffer settings need to be optimised. Lots. I would appreciate any expert help in this area. :)
-- The GUI player controls are very slow to respond. On the up side, there are little if any stuttering issues playing files this way.


All feedback appreciated!

(High fives for every helping hand: sebt3, mcobit, Farox, mash-system, and M-HT.)
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Hm. It doesn't seem to be recognized as a PND. Thunar says that it's a 3.3kb HTML document, and it doesn't show up in the start bar. Has anyone else gotten it to work?

I'm looking for a way to playback MIDI files, and remembered about this...

EDIT: oh, I see... the file no longer exists on the server, so I just downloaded an HTML file. Does anyone still have this on their Pandora and would be willing to upload it somewhere?
Esn said:
Hm. It doesn't seem to be recognized as a PND. Thunar says that it's a 3.3kb HTML document, and it doesn't show up in the start bar. Has anyone else gotten it to work?

I'm looking for a way to playback MIDI files, and remembered about this...

EDIT: oh, I see... the file no longer exists on the server, so I just downloaded an HTML file. Does anyone still have this on their Pandora and would be willing to upload it somewhere?

still available from craig's apps store
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ah okay attaching file you need:

doh cant upload pnds, ed sort that out :)

mediafire link then:
Ah, thank you, that's the one! It works pretty well. Two features that would be nice would be for it to automatically go to the beginning once it has finished playing a song, and an option to set a default directory where MIDI files are located.

But regardless, thank you. It is a useful and functional MIDI player. :)