Trooper`s watching you !!!
I have a SE P900 156mhz and have tried various emulators on this phone, SMSplus (Sega master System) being one of them and have to say that the controls are a joke to say the least. I know the emulator was originally programmed for the P800, But using the phones scroll wheel to control your characters left and right movement is impossible to say the least. As for movies forget it, It come nowhere near to the quality that the GP32 offers, And thats trying numorus setting and options. The speed just isn't there.
I also have an Asus A620 400mhz ppc and the emulators on that are not that much better except a "little" faster.
. Sound on these is terrable sometimes as it seems as though these pocketpc's have limited sound channels.
Just my 2p.
I also have an Asus A620 400mhz ppc and the emulators on that are not that much better except a "little" faster.
Just my 2p.