This is annoying

I think the Point was made, moved to Off-topic...
Why isn't ED using free software on the forum? Why does he wear trainers? Why does he have long hair? Same answer to all of these things; because he wants to. I only say this as sometimes there seems to be this feeling of having to justify either spending money or using software which isn't open source, or whatever else, which simply isn't the case, ED is free to do whatever he likes. From my perspective which ever gives ED the easiest life is the best option! Let him concentrate on other things rather that forum software.

Sandals, long hair and free software is the combo.

Other than how said freedom extends to the users of the board, the ability to do anything about it follows, which is probably why those offerings are bad in every possible way, and will continue to be bad.

Forums are largely dated, when nothing is done, it ends up being what IRC is to slightly faster conversation.

Modern, free as in freedom, and functioning is 3/3. With xenforo atleast you can achieve some interoperability, so I see it is a step in the right direction.