What's Your Playing Style?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
Are you:

A random player: pick one of the thousands of games available for the GP2X or other consoles
A mood player: every mood a certain game
A disciplined player: choose one game and not satisfied until it is finished
A one system only player: only likes games for system x
A one type player only: only likes one type of game (puzzle, shmups etc)

My style is rather chaotic, between a mood and random player. I sometimes try to choose a game and be a disciplined player (I guess that's what I want to be :) ), but that usually fails. A playing session doesn't take very long, between 15 minutes or half an hour.

There are comments of people playing and finishing lots of very time consuming games, so I guess my playing style will not be the average one.
I suppose I'm a mix between mood and disciplined. I often feel like playing a game from a certain genre, and stay with that game for the next couple of days until something else sparks my interest. However I never start playing a game with a definite target of completing it. The only game I finished on the GP2X is King's Bounty via DrMD and then a year later via Picodrive. For the past week Payback ate most of my time (both free and not :D), and before that it was Doom 2, Thruster, and Cow Suckers.

Nice topic :)
Alex. said:
The only game I finished on the GP2X is King's Bounty via DrMD and then a year later via Picodrive.
Never tried that one, looks interesting. Still need to finish my first game on the GP2X, but I am determined to finish Snatcher one day.
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I tend to get hooked on one system and stick with it for a while. Often this is because a new/updated emulator is released and I try out games for that system.

I always find myself going back to a few favourites:

* MAME and Final Burn Alpha for arcade games

and particular emulators for particular games:


* DrSMS (on my GP32) for Aleste
* PocketSNES for Macross Scrambled Valkyrie
* CPS1EMU (on my PSP) for Knights of the Round, Dinos and Cadillacs
* fMSX32 (on GP32) for MSX version of Aleste
* Atari800 for River Raid
* Stella for Missile Command, HERO
slaanesh said:
I tend to get hooked on one system and stick with it for a while. Often this is because a new/updated emulator is released and I try out games for that system.

I always find myself going back to a few favourites:
When I read this I realized I have the same tendencies :)

After installing a new emulator (or interpreted game), I also tend to play that most.

I always return to

Mame: galaga; bombjack
Picodrive: psycho pinball, risk
outcast: eliminator
pocketsnes: populous, uniracer

I've got more favorites but these are embedded in my dna :)
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I'm a mix between mood and discipline gamer. I do have different games for different moods. For example, if I'm feeling laid back and just want to chill, I'll stick on Endless Ocean. If I want some action, I'll generally put in an fps or something like Mass Effect into my 360. If I just want to play and have fun, Mario Galaxy (still not got the 120 stars yet. Shock horror :P)

But whatever game it is I'm playing, I like to finish it to as close to 100% as possible. Ok, there are times when I can't be bothered to finish it 100% (think Metroid Prime. In all 3 games I've got 69% completion at the end and haven't bothered to get the 100% completion after another run through).
I'm generally a mood/random gamer. However, if I get really into a new game, I'll play it for hours, for instance, when I got bioshock, I pretty much played it from start to finish in a week or so.

I'll tend to stick to games from one system (talking about current generation now) as I've got a 360 and I don't see the point of getting a PS3 as there are no games on it that take my fancy that I can't play on the 360. (although I'm increasingly tempted to pick one up for bluray). I occasionally play wii games when home from uni (my family have one), although I get bored of Wii games quite quickly.

EDIT: I often find that Xbox 360 achievements will make me want to complete a game (not after the gamerpoints, rather the satisfaction of having completed it. They add longevity to games I find.)
I guess buying a game for a modern console like Wii, PS3 will motivate more to finish a game than downloading 1000's of roms for free.
If you try a free rom and after one game you think it sucks, you will probably never play it again. But when you paid 70 Euro for a game you will probably really do your best to like the game.
im a random player, i love games but i somehow cant get INTO them, maybe because im not very good at them. I just play little bits of something classic like sonic and then get bored then play something hardcore like counterstrike then get bored then play flight simulator or some random demo i download like b.a.s.e jumping. To be honest the only games ive totally beat in the last three years are tony hawks american wasteland 2, gta san andreas and portal.