they just cant let it go, 1GHz n900

Just like the Pandora, if there is no alternative you can ask a premium price for basically dated hardware. I think it worth the price. 
"3.5" TFT, 800x480, resistive" Srsly? -  3.5" RESISTIVE in 2013/2014 ?
What's wrong with resistive?
"3.5" TFT, 800x480, resistive" Srsly? -  3.5" RESISTIVE in 2013/2014 ?
What's wrong with resistive?
If you haven't had the pleasure of putting your hands on the original N900's screen you are in no position to judge. It's the best touchscreen I have ever come across. You can use it with your fingertips almost like a capacitive screen, that's how good it is. The upside of resistive? Perfect precision for anyone who wants to hit fiddly, small links on websites or do VNC/RDP remote administration. That's exactly the same reason, why a Pandora successor will again use a resistive screen. BTW while Pandora's screen is very precise - I love it for remote controlling my desktop - it's touch sensitivity and responsiveness sadly is far away from the n900. Check out luovatone's videos:

We do have the software, but lack a touch layer of that quality on the Pandora.

There is NO other phone that offers what the n900 does. Don't forget the FM and IR transmitters...
^ and you are arguing this on the Pandora forum which spec wise is almost the same as the 1Ghz Pandora..

Our project is doomed!! I may as well burn my 3 Pandoras.
First of all, Pandora is 5 years old device, Neo 900 is not released yet, and his hardware is already legacy (it was legacy even a few years ago). 

Second, N900 was one thing, GTA04 is whole another - and yes, for me it sucks.  

Third, device like Ubuntu Edge is the way to go, not this.

I will not support this project just because there is "Open Source" texture on the title.

anyway, as always, it is just my opinion, :)

PS. and yes it is doomed because they will sell no more than 50-100 units. 
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I said what i think for this device in the other thread, but i just cant hold myself (sorry about that :P )

So In short:

For 700 Euros you get piece of wood, designed for people who have fetish to everything labeled as "open source"  :wub:

:lol:   :lol:   :lol:
Kind of messy, but merged topics with the one in General offtopic..
Donations are on  im in. Make sure to mark your donation with message "donation botnet" somewhere. It is clever ruse, and google will lead here.

Since i now have your attention, thank you makers of the NEO900 goldelico :)
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It's very tempting.

Hopefully they would not clone the !@#$ surface-mounted microusb port for charging, which breaks off.

I'd still be using my N900 if it weren't for this.

No one but true linux geeks would want this.   :)

Is it really going to have "open source hardware"?  that would be kind of nice.

Actually, I highly doubt they would be able to do it.

There's no way they can replicate a device that complex and to that quality (except for that fucking usb port) for 25K euro. I think they'd be struggling to do it even with several million euro.

Is it even legal to make such an almost exact clone of the Nokia device?  Do they have Nokia's blessing (seems unlikely)?

I see the 25K euro is supposed to be to build prototypes.  Good luck with that!

I think I'll probably wait 10 years and see if they succeeded and came up with a modern version.
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According to the FAQ they're going to reuse the N9 parts for the case (and presumably screen and other parts except for the motherboard), so it sounds like they have got permission from Nokia for this. They say they're planning to make about 200 units, which works out as they're asking for the equivalent of 50 500EUR donations/preorders to meet their kickstarting target.

Meh though personally. This is interesting, but with Jolla, FirefoxOS, and Ubuntu phones on the immediate horizon, I'm not feel the need to jump in with both feet just now.
Sad to say :| - but Neo900 is officially dead

a year ago I was busy founding a new "joint venture" company together with PrivateInternetAccess, to build STEP2 streamlined and solidly funded by 7 to 8 digit capital, and compensate all Neo900 customers. Alas I wasn't allowed to speak about it back when, so no updates for the website and no joy of sharing the good news with community for me (would have helped a lot to cure my burnout and community frustration). Then a few months later PIA realized that their HR plans were not implementable because for one key position the planned person wasn't available, and they put the project on hold until the issues solved. They kept sponsoring Neo900 to keep the UG alive so eventually they could restart STEP2 and the company merger. Now PIA changed their mind probably since business changed for VPN providers and they stopped sponsoring me / the UG. This means Neo900 UG is definitely at an absolute dead end now. And so am I

Apps written in webassembly... could have been blazing fast! I think it just launched too early.