Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast


Jan 25, 2004
Sussex, England
Visit site
i got this game last week for the PS and it is frigging amazing

it doesnt look quite as good as Outrun 2 on the Xbox or Arcade (but what does) but for the PS2 there is abosolutely no pop up

not to be one to herald a game on its looks alone this game plays like a dream

so far I have never had the urge to put the game down because ive gotten frustrated with it, i have played it for about 10 hours and still this the track are great to race on (you get all of the Outrun 2 and SP tracks)

the slipstreaming idea is so great I automatically do it in everygame since I initially played SP at the arcades, even though it kills me a little inside when I realised it wont work playing Need For Speed

and its been a long time since I have played a racing game that has a level playing field for cars in the same class (you can either go slow and steady in one of the starter cars, or crash around everywhere in the GT and it will still be a competetive race)

also the Heart Attack mode is so much fun, it just breaks up the racing a little

PLUS you can play the arcade versions EXACTLY as they are in the arcade (you go into it on the menu screen, pick your flavour (2 or 2SP) and suddenly everything changes and it looks just like youve put a quid in the arcade machine

I love this game way too much to be healthy, and once it comes out in the US i will check to see if the network adaptor works well and will get one ASAP

also, if you get the PS2 and PSP version you can transfer across your save whenever
Damn, I'll have to get this game as well!!!

Damn my poverty.

BTW, Daveyg, are you the same Daveyg that never got his PC from BargainBassments? If so, what did happen in the end?