milkshake said:
Irrelevant at what Joost actually said.. I mean even if he spoke like a baby and told Craig he was a big poo poo or that smelled like a toilet brush or even if he cursed like a trooper and offended many people it was still highly unprofessional and irresponsible for Craig to respond the way he did.
People don't seem to be picking up on this point rather they just stick up for him just because they might feel that what he said was what they would have.
That is a good point, however, craigx is not a company, he is not a PR department, and they don't even HAVE a PR department.
Personally I find the idea that every business should be run like a big corperation, insulting.
I like the regular dudes feeling of OpenPandora, this is my favorite part. If they started going all PR on us with every post I would lose interest quickly. I much prefer a person speak bluntly, even if insulting, then hide behind a mask of polite PRing.
Though, to argue with myself, a bit of tact on Craig's part wouldn't have hurt.
As far as brown nosing or whatever, frankly I give a fuck who is who and who does what, I base my opinions on my experience, knowledge, and common sense. Just because I happen to be on the side of the dude making Pandoras on this one issue doesn't mean a damn thing. Furthermore, I find it insulting and presumptuous to suggest otherwise. Until there is sufficient evidence either way, it's always best to give people the benefit of the doubt. Most people, in my experience, derive more enjoyment playing the 'rebel' or 'devils advocate' then the brown noser. There ARE brown nosers, but they are the minority rather then the majority, in my experience.
EDIT: Forgot to address the pic!
First, it's waaaay old. Stopped being funny years ago.
Second, it misses one important fact. Sometimes arguing a point can be quite enjoyable! That doesn't make one retarded, just, human.
Third, YOU missed one important fact (unless you meant that tongue in cheek), you posted a pic saying that arguing on the internet makes people retarded, in the same post where you argue. On the internet.
- trix