Release The Ur-Quan Masters - HD


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is yet another Ur Quan Masters PND, this time it's the HD mod.

The pnd is huge (more than 800 Mb), as all assests have been redone in HD (pictures, musics...).
The game use glshim, and seems to works fine on all Pandora model, without the need of any swapfile.

Note that this is a vanilla build, so you need to go to option and configure the keymap to adapt it to the Pandora.

History log

Build 02

  • Fixed a hang in a specific info screen about Precursors (in the Earth orbital station)
Build 01

  • Initial build
Last edited:
But my data is costly... so will wait a bit before downloading. .. I will wait for the definitive build and allow others to give you feedback.

But excited about this.
Well done!

Sent from my GT-S7580 using Tapatalk
Thanks a lot.

I think I found a bug, or maybe data corruption, maybe other user can confirm. When you reach the space station and win the first fight you are allowed to ask about background story. One of the topics is about the precursors, as soon as the track begins the screen freezes and no button does anything, the track plays until the end but you are still stuck, no way to continue other than kill the process.

Happened twice, I will upload a savestate when I have some time, probably on weekend.
Thanks a lot.

I think I found a bug, or maybe data corruption, maybe other user can confirm. When you reach the space station and win the first fight you are allowed to ask about background story. One of the topics is about the precursors, as soon as the track begins the screen freezes and no button does anything, the track plays until the end but you are still stuck, no way to continue other than kill the process.

Happened twice, I will upload a savestate when I have some time, probably on weekend.
That must be an issue with my build, as the git is not active since end of 2015 and the bug seems to be in the beggining of the game. If you can get a savestate that woul defenetly helps me debugging it.
Uploaded the savestate. It's not a zip, just delete the extension, otherwise file was forbidden.

Reproduce the error is quite easy, just go to option "starbase commander", then "I need some background information (or something like that)", then ask for historical data then ask about ancient galactic history, then the first option "What can you tell me about the Precursors?" Tested several times and got a screen freeze 100% of times.

Played a few hours and entered more conversations and didn't find the bug anywhere else.


ok, I reproduce the issue...
It will be tricky to fix :(
I need to build a debug build, it will take time I'm afraid.
[doublepost=1469891874,1469880393][/doublepost]@asimov-solensan : Ok, found the issue.
The problem is with this sentence:
"when our great-to-the-nth-grandparents were just starting to play with stone knives and bearskins"

There is a function to split the sentence in many lines to fit the printing zone (function _count_lines in src/uqm/comm.c). The issue is that the word "great-to-the-nth-grandparents" is to big for the area, the algorithm is simple and just cut at the space. The function is pretty complex, so for now I just patched the sentence itself to "when our great-to-the-nth grandparents were just starting to play with stone knives and bearskins" and it works.
It's not super proof, but for now it works...

I'll repackage today.
How interesting. Played some more and engaged in many other conversations and didn't found the bug again.

But if it's related to the length of the sentence you never know.

A million thanks for your effort.
It's on the repo!

Build 02

  • Fixed a hang in a specific info screen about Precursors (in the Earth orbital station)
The game lacks features?

Never played the game before. But from what i read all ships do have second a secondary weapon. If you check in melee mode some do nothing with secondary weapon like spathi or human and others indeed show an action with secondary button.

So no key mapping problem.

On the same topic i acquired an objec called defense laser that does nothing. I suspect it works with secondary weapon but same problem.
No, thats not the problem. But i think that's also true, some keys are not mapeable. Let's forget about this i will check later.

The issue i was talking about is in combat mode. Keys are mapped to right shoulder (primary) and left shoulder (secondary).

Well some ships do nothing when using left shoulder. I read a guide about the ships to confirm that all ships must have a secondary action and checked in melee mode that this is not the case in this version.

I think that same happens with main ship. A device called laser shield should be used with secondary button but doesn't work.
[doublepost=1470164669,1470136987][/doublepost]Ok, forget about it. It seems that to use some secondary weapons you just have to keep the button pressed when the enemy ship is near. Then the action is triggered.

My fault.
Good, I prefer false-alarm the real ones ;)

I guess you are progressing nicely in the game. From what I have seen (and heard) of it, the "HD" is very well done and makes a great looking and an interresting game.
The game is indeed interesting, but has a steep learning curve if you haven't played before. I recommend anyone that wants to try to read the basics about the game beforehand.

Aside this I found it very engaging and the visuals look great on the pandora