I feel a great disturbance in the source
Link to addon language pack:,0,0,0,29,2412
This language pack adds support to The Ur-Quan Masters 2X for the following languages: Suomen kieli (Finnish), Русский язык (Russian), Español (Spanish), & Deutsch Sprache (German). The Ur-Quan Masters 2X is a port to the GP2X by Senor Quack of The Ur-Quan Masters, an open source port of Star Control II. The thread for discussion is currently:
Fixed in Version 1.1 Jan 9 2008::
* Replaced German translation with slightly different version I found. German translation now works! Wunderbar! Thanks to fusion_power for testing.
What is Star Control II?
Star Control II, the sequel to the original Star Control, is a space adventure game that features role-playing elements alongside a robust 2D combat system. It was a milestone for non-linear gaming and an undeniable influence on modern space travel games such as Homeworld; many consider it one of the best computer games of all time. The player assumes the role of the captain of a single starship wandering a detailed environment of solar systems, gradually gathering information and resources in order to defeat a mysterious and implacable enemy; the plot contains numerous mysteries and other half-explained elements that contribute to the beauty of the game, along with a rare sense of humor that manifests numerous times, inevitably having the player rolling on the floor laughing.
Extract the .ZIP archive into the top game folder. It will extract several new .GPE files that will launch each language. It will also extract new content into the "content/packages/addons" folder. Run the file "uqm_???.gpe" to run a specific language, ex. uqm_spa.gpe for Spanish.
Deutsch Sprache:
Extrahiere das zip-Archiv, das das Sprachpaket enthält, in den Hauptordner von UQM2X. Eine neue GPE-Datei wird dorthin und neue Sprachpakete nach "content/packages/addons/" extrahiert. Führe "uqm2xger.gpe" aus, um die deutsche Version zu starten.
Suomen kieli:
Pura .zip-kansio pelin ylimpään kansioon. Paketista purkautuu useita uusia .gpe tiedostoja, jotka käynnistävät kunkin kielen version. Myöskin "content/packages/addons"-kansioon ilmaantuu uutta sälää. Aja "uqm_???.gpe"-tiedosto käynnistääksesi tietynkielisen version, esim. uqm_spa.gpe, joka on espanjankielinen.
Русский язык:
Выдержка ".ZIP" файл в высоком уровне UQM игры папку. Новая .GPE файлы будут извлечены в папку игры. Новый язык файлы будут размещены в "content/packages/addons" папку. Выполнить "uqm_rus.gpe", чтобы начать русскоязычную версию игры.
En Español:
Extraer ".ZIP" en el archivo de nivel superior de UQM juego carpeta. Nueva .GPE archivos se extrajeron en la carpeta del juego. Nuevo idioma archivos se colocarán en "content/packages/addons" carpeta. Run "uqm_spa.gpe" para iniciar la versión en español del juego.
A quick screenshot to show what it's all about:
This language pack adds support to The Ur-Quan Masters 2X for the following languages: Suomen kieli (Finnish), Русский язык (Russian), Español (Spanish), & Deutsch Sprache (German). The Ur-Quan Masters 2X is a port to the GP2X by Senor Quack of The Ur-Quan Masters, an open source port of Star Control II. The thread for discussion is currently:
Fixed in Version 1.1 Jan 9 2008::
* Replaced German translation with slightly different version I found. German translation now works! Wunderbar! Thanks to fusion_power for testing.
What is Star Control II?
Star Control II, the sequel to the original Star Control, is a space adventure game that features role-playing elements alongside a robust 2D combat system. It was a milestone for non-linear gaming and an undeniable influence on modern space travel games such as Homeworld; many consider it one of the best computer games of all time. The player assumes the role of the captain of a single starship wandering a detailed environment of solar systems, gradually gathering information and resources in order to defeat a mysterious and implacable enemy; the plot contains numerous mysteries and other half-explained elements that contribute to the beauty of the game, along with a rare sense of humor that manifests numerous times, inevitably having the player rolling on the floor laughing.
Extract the .ZIP archive into the top game folder. It will extract several new .GPE files that will launch each language. It will also extract new content into the "content/packages/addons" folder. Run the file "uqm_???.gpe" to run a specific language, ex. uqm_spa.gpe for Spanish.
Deutsch Sprache:
Extrahiere das zip-Archiv, das das Sprachpaket enthält, in den Hauptordner von UQM2X. Eine neue GPE-Datei wird dorthin und neue Sprachpakete nach "content/packages/addons/" extrahiert. Führe "uqm2xger.gpe" aus, um die deutsche Version zu starten.
Suomen kieli:
Pura .zip-kansio pelin ylimpään kansioon. Paketista purkautuu useita uusia .gpe tiedostoja, jotka käynnistävät kunkin kielen version. Myöskin "content/packages/addons"-kansioon ilmaantuu uutta sälää. Aja "uqm_???.gpe"-tiedosto käynnistääksesi tietynkielisen version, esim. uqm_spa.gpe, joka on espanjankielinen.
Русский язык:
Выдержка ".ZIP" файл в высоком уровне UQM игры папку. Новая .GPE файлы будут извлечены в папку игры. Новый язык файлы будут размещены в "content/packages/addons" папку. Выполнить "uqm_rus.gpe", чтобы начать русскоязычную версию игры.
En Español:
Extraer ".ZIP" en el archivo de nivel superior de UQM juego carpeta. Nueva .GPE archivos se extrajeron en la carpeta del juego. Nuevo idioma archivos se colocarán en "content/packages/addons" carpeta. Run "uqm_spa.gpe" para iniciar la versión en español del juego.
A quick screenshot to show what it's all about:

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